Chapter 17

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Chapter 17 – Kimberley’s POV


“It’s all sorted babe,” Cheryl called out to me from the study. “Hillary’s drafting a statement and the girls are coming round in a few hours to help us decide how we might want to release it.” Her voice softened as she got closer to where I was sitting at the bench in the kitchen looking over our upcoming schedule. I smiled at her as she entered the room which was mirrored by Cheryl. She walked the final few steps to close the gap between us and wrapped her arm around my waist, kissing me on the forehead in the process.

“What are you doing babe?” She looked down at the planner laid out in front of me.

“Just going over all the upcoming promo stuff we have for the tour and the actual tour dates.” 

“Gosh we’re gonna be busy aren’t we. You forget sometimes when it’s not all laid out for you like that.” I nodded my head in agreement. “Still, rather be busy than twiddling me thumbs around the house.” She let her hand drop from my waist to my hip, gently caressing the available skin under my top. “Although, in light of recent events that might not be such a bad idea...” she tugged her arm around me tighter before letting out an infectious laugh, her eyes twinkling at the thought.

“Cheryl! Mind out of the gutter,” I feigned shock at her words. 

“Kimberley Jane Walsh don’t act like you weren’t thinkin’ the exact same thing! You’re worse than I am half the time!”


What do you want for dinner babe? Cheryl called out as she rummaged through the kitchen fridge and freezer. “I think about the only thing I’m capable of cookin’ is this packet of fish fingers,” she huffed while looking the box over, reading the instructions carefully.

“Mmm.” I snuck up behind her and wrapped my arms carefully around her waist. “You know how I love a good fish finger,” I whispered seductively in her ear.

“Kimberley! Did you really just say that?!”Cheryl turned in my arms to face me, the look on her face absolutely priceless.

“What can I say, you bring it out in me babe.” I chuckled before pulling her closer and kissing her; the box of fish fingers discarded and long forgotten on the kitchen floor.


“Alright ladies?” Sarah bellowed before bustling into the living room, a tornado of debris in her wake as she somehow managed to drag leaves and twigs into the room with her. “Who’s up for a bevvie or twelve?” She joked.

“Fookin’ hell Sarah, how did you manage to bring half the garden in with you?” Cheryl looked pointedly from Sarah to the mess she’d brought in behind her.

“Wha’?” She turned to look behind herself quizzically, seemingly nonplussed at the mess she’d brought into the house. “I can’t help it if it’s blowin’ a gale outside. Must have just stuck to my shoes. Anyway, worry about it later,” she said flippantly, waving a hand in the air. “We’ve got bigger fish to fry tonight!” She looked at Cheryl and I with an excitement in her eyes, a plan already clearly bubbling away in that crazy mind of hers.

“Spit it out then,” I said matter-of-factly. “I can see your mind working a million miles an hour.”

“All in good time my lovely. Can’t a girl get a drink first?” 

Nadine rolled her eyes at her from where she was sat on the couch with Nicola. “All right, I’ll get the drinks and you start filling them in on our plans.”

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