Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 - Cheryl’s POV


Weaving in and out through the local traffic was starting to do me head in. “Pick up the bloody phone Kimba,” I let out frustratedly.

I was heading towards the gorgeous park Kimberley and I had discovered when she first moved in with me. We stumbled upon it accidentally one day after driving home from a meeting in London with the rest of the girls. I remember it like it was yesterday: I’d recently quit smoking a few months before, but with all the Ashley stuff fresh in me mind and a hectic work schedule lined up for the next few months, I remember asking Kimberley if she would mind pulling over for a quick fag. Knowing how much she hated me smoking I pleaded with her with me best puppy dog eyes, eventually winning out. 

“Alright Chez, but I hope you remember the other day when you said you’d quit again as soon as the divorce gets finalised?”

“I know babe, I promise I will.”

Happy I’d got my way, we pulled over and got out of the car. It was a cold winter’s day but the sun was shining and we had enough clothes on to fight off the chill. Linking arms with Kimberley, we made our way down the path, through the hedged boundary and into the main gardens, both gasping as we took in the beauty of the parks grounds. 

“This is amazing Cheryl,” said Kimberley, totally in awe of the parks magnificence. We sat down on a vacant bench and took in the view properly.

The entire park was lightly enveloped in the most beautiful snow I'd ever seen. The tall old trees, raising their branches high up above us, were faintly capped with ice, while the blue cobblestone paths perfectly paved their way around the grounds. A moderately sized lake filled the centre of the gardens, slightly frozen over from the cold winter we had been experiencing. From the outside looking in, you never would have known the beauty that lay beyond the hedged walls. The whole scene was touched by pale blue, as the sun’s rays gently shone through the few clouds which filled the sky.

I snuggled into Kimberley as a cool breeze swept by, smiling as I spoke, “This is perfect Kimba, I’m so glad we found this place together.” 

“Me too babe,” she replied as she squeezed my hand. 


We sat for almost an hour, simply enjoying each other’s company mostly in silence; any thoughts of a cigarette now the furthest thing from my mind. I breathed in the fresh air that surrounded us and simultaneously caught a hint of the scent that was so uniquely Kimberley. Wanting to stay in this spot for as long as possible, I snuggled even closer to her as the temperature around us gradually decreased. Soon the cold got the better of me, causing me to shiver.

“Time to go back to the car I think,” said Kimberley as she reached across my body, rubbing her hand up and down my arm in an attempt to warm me. Realising she was right, we slowly stood up and made our way back to the car.

“I think we should make an effort to come back here every once in a while,” Kimberley said brightly as we reached the car, “You know, somewhere special, just for the two of us.”

“I couldn’t agree more babe,” I grinned as I opened the door and started the cars engine.


Arriving at the familiar grounds at last, my heart rate rapidly increased as I noticed Kimberley’s car parked in its usual spot. Closing my car door quickly, I took a deep breath and headed for the parks gate. 

Once inside, the magnificent view of the grounds took my breath away, as it always did. But it was the familiar blonde sitting on a bench,our bench, that really knocked the wind out of us. 

Understanding it was now or never, I slowly made my way over to her, silently preparing myself for the biggest conversation of my life. 

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