Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 - Kimberley's POV


We stood staring at each other for a moment, neither of us wanting to speak first for fear of saying the wrong thing. Finally after what seemed like a lifetime Cheryl opened her mouth again.

“Babe, will you come and sit with us so we can talk about this?”

Nodding my head slowly, I followed Cheryl back out to the couch where I had earlier made my confession. As we approached the couch, Cheryl reached out for my hand, holding it gently between both of hers, guiding me down to sit next to her.

Feeling my cheeks flush at the contact, I looked down to the ground; once again unable to look Cheryl in the eye for fear of what I might see. Regret, anger, sadness? I didn’t want to be responsible for any of these emotions. 

“Kimberley, babe, will you please look at us?” Cheryl pleaded as she squeezed my hand once again.

Taking a deep breath, I slowly brought my head up so I was facing Cheryl, baring my soul to her as I searched her eyes for some kind of sign. Her eyes didn’t have that same glint in them as they usually did, she looked lost and concerned. I hate it that I’m responsible for taking that beautiful glimmer away from her sparkling eyes. 

I have to just say it. Put it all out there and hope that I can somehow fix this. Gulping, I place my other hand on top of Cheryls, slowly entwining both pairs. 

I let out a shaky breath before starting gently: “I want you Cheryl. I want all of you. Not just little pieces here and there, but every bit of you. I love you Cheryl, you know that; these past twelve months have shown me that I need to have you in my life, but now I realise it’s not just as a friend but as so much more than that. And I understand completely if you don’t think you can give that to me, but if you can’t, please, you have to tell me now because I don’t think my heart can take not knowing anymore.”

Silence. I’d done it. I’d said what I wanted to say and now had to agonisingly wait for her response. A minute ticked by but it could have been an hour for all I knew; time stood still as my words lingered in the air.

“Please Cheryl, say something. Anything,” I begged, squeezing her hands for reassurance that she was still sitting there with me, that I hadn’t just ruined everything.

Slowly a lone tear trickled down her face as her lips began to gently tremble.

“Oh babe,” I reached to wipe the tear gently from her cheek.  “Cheryl please don’t cry. I’m so so sorry. I never meant to hurt you. I should have kept my bloody mouth shut, I’ve made such a horrible mess of everything,” I let out completely exasperated with myself.  

She shook her head slowly, trying in vain to stop the tears from falling. “I...” she tried to speak but words wouldn’t come out. “I...I’m sorry babe.”

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