Nightmare Replay (5:00 A.M)

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Derek laid quiet sleeping in his bed then he sprung up drenched in sweat! He was breathing heavy. Derek only being on the job for a few years has seen more than veteran cops do. Derek had yet another nightmare of the events that unfolded almost a year ago. In two days it would be a year ago when the racial hate group seized the Church. The screams and the blood still haunted him. He was scared for his life that night. He could only imagine how J'coby felt.

J'coby bravely put his body on the line that night taking the life of 8 Terrorist in an effort to save everyone in the Church. J'coby died in the ambulance a hero.

Derek still chokes up at the sight of his new found friend lying lifeless on the stretcher bed.

Derek got up out of bed his alarm was going to wake him soon anyways. He walked to his bathroom washing his face off. He lived alone no wife or kids, he was 22 and married to his job. He put on shorts and a tank top. Putting in his headphones walking into his garage. The garage was hot and sticky. The only thing in his garage hung a punching bag and an old weight bench. He sat on the weight bench leaning back grabbing the cold steel bar. He lifted up the bar a solid 225 on the bar. He brought it down and pressed it up 10 times the racked his weight. He got up shaking out his arms. He had never felt the motivation to work out lately. He really forced himself to do it this morning.

After a 15 minutes he walked out of his garage sweaty and ready to face his day. He turned on his shower and cleaned himself. He had laid out his clothes for his day. His policie uniform, black. With a red ribbon on it to remember J'coby by. He laced up his boots drinking a cup of coffee turning on the news.

"Good morning Amac my names Ashley Tetherson" the report said on the T.v.
Derek smiled and replied
"good morning"
"Our tops stories, Amac mayor Michael Barock addresses the town tonight about the budget cuts and loss of jobs that has effected our town.
In other news a story we've been following, security has been stepped up do to riots in northern states due to the untimely death of Daniel Harper the families of those killed in the racially motivated shooting believe they have go their justice."

Derek turned off the T.v. it was hard for him to forget J'coby if the world kept reminding him. He grabbed his hat and his gun and took of out the door. He got into his vehicle driving out of his neighborhood. Passing joggers and people walking their dog. He smiled and waved as he did the sun not completely up yet. He turned stopping at a stop sign. He looked to his right, between two houses he could see the broken church. As two large dump trucks passed by him he drove off, Making his way into town.

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