Chapter 1: RING!!!

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Anna's POV:

The hallways were crowded with students rushing to get to their classes;some were at their lockers and then there's me..not giving a damn in the world if I'm late to class, just trying to get to my locker as quick as possible.That was my number one priority at the moment.The reason getting to my locker was so important was because my clean and non-stained extra pair of jeans were in my locker and I needed them desperately since the one I'm currently wearing is now hot pink. I never should have taken art class.

Art Class:It's a mess and you get paint all over your clothes. I  lost count of how many outfits I've ruined just by accidentally spilling paint all over my clothes.Anyways,I covered the stain on my jeans with my sweater so nobody's eyes would notice the big hot pink stain. I finally got to my locker,grabbed the jeans, and shoved it my bag so no one would think that it's that time of the month. Thankfully.

I started rushing to the bathroom but just as I was about to get inside,Lesley, my best friend, came out. Now I know best friend's are friends who you are mega close to but with me and just never clicked. "Where ya headed to?", she asked with a big greeting smile that will cheer anybody up.

"I was just headed to the bathroom, just taking a little break".

I said trying to sound as calm as ever, even though I was freaking out she wouldn't notice the stain because if she did, she would be jumping up and down since she's known as 'THE MOUTH'. I know it may seem like I'm overreacting but she is very very loud.

"Oh alright..and hey are we still on for Friday?" she asked again.

On every Friday, Lesley and I have a sleepover and movie night. Don't get me wrong , I enjoy our sleepovers but the amount of times she asks me about it gets very irritating.

"Yeah of course!"

I tried to sound excited but it came out a bit too much. She reached in her bag to get that buzzing phone of hers;she looked at the screen then at me.

"Oh shoot! I've got to go ok.. I'll call you later", I was grateful she never noticed the stain.

"Yea sure.."

I told her with a fake smile even though I knew she would know it was fake. I knew that she had other close friends which basically made me just a close friend of hers,just like the others. Yet, that didn't seem to bother me much; knowing that I'm not as special to her as she is to me. No matter what, I've stuck by her side but she doesn't really seem to return the favour.

Anyhow, back to the mess I'm in.

I rushed to the bathroom and locked myself in the last stall since it had more space. I reached for my jeans but then I heard the bathroom door swing open and high heeled footsteps clicking and making their way inside. I suddenly felt a panic feeling take over. I stopped what I was doing immediately.

"Have you seen the new girl?" I heard a voice say "yeah but have you seen her clothes, so old fashioned" the other girl said with a sassy attitude. I should've known better...I thought I was going to hear some juicy gossip but all these high school girls care about is makeup, perfection and boys. 

RING!! I almost had a heart attack because of the bell. Luckily, the girls left the bathroom because all I could hear was their high heels clicking loudly and then the sound of them fading away.I went back into my bag to get my extra pair of jeans,took my shoes off, and rushed as fast as a cheetah to finish so I could get to class. Eventually, I finished changing into my jeans and wore my black sweater because of the chill I felt over my bare skin when I was changing.

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