Chapter 4: CheckMate.

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Oliver's POV:
2:56 pm

She brings me bliss.
All I need to do is be around her and all my worries disappear. She is mesmerizing to me.
A concerned look crept over her face, she looked at me patiently as she waited for me to respond. In some ways, it was attractive that she would get these mini-worries about me. As weird as it sounds, it's nice having someone worry about you.
"Yes...?" I looked at her as if there was nothing to worry about. Sadly, I couldn't hide it. I tried, but I couldn't. She simply said,"Are you okay?"

With all honesty, no.

"Yeah of course, why do you ask?" I said with a fake smile to hide my true well-being.

She looked into my eyes, searching for proof that I was actually okay. I'm guessing she didn't find any. "Listen,Oliver, I know we haven't been close in so many years but it doesn't feel that long ago to me. You can talk to me." She reassured. I had to try to convince her I was okay. "I know, and I thank you for that but Anna, there's really nothing wrong." I may have been a bad liar but I know she wouldn't ask about my well-being again today. She figured out that I wasn't telling her the truth and so she let it go.

"Do you ever think about how it would feel if we could be free?" She said out of the blue.

"Sure, we're free right now Anna." I told her, misunderstanding the true meanings of her question.

"No we're not." She paused.

"What do you mean?" I asked, clueless.

"We are constantly being programmed to live up to people's expectations. I'm tired of it." She exclaimed. I wonder what this was really about...was everything okay with her? Now I'm starting to worry. "Anna?" I asked her while trying to find her eyes. Finally, I looked into them. I was completely lost. I was in a trance, I'm sure I was. I was caught up in those honey eyes that were detailed with golden speckles.


She brought me out of my haze, she chuckled, "Didn't meant to get all emotional or get into my feelings, sometimes random thoughts like these just jump around my mind." She looked at me. I guess she was waiting for me to say something like that's normal or that I think like that too sometimes. But I just looked at her, then said, "Wonderful"

I was drawn to her, I was getting attached to her. I had to stop because the last time I was attached to a girl was when I was in a serious relationship when I was thirteen. It didn't end well for so many reasons. A story for another time I guess. Although, every part of my mind told me not to get attached or I would regret it. But seeing as to how wonderful of a person Anna is, how could I regret being with her?

"wonderful?" She was puzzled. I could understand why. "Yeah wonderful. It's wonderful the way thoughts pop out of nowhere inside our very own minds." I responded with a certain hint of confidence to show her that I was legit about my answer. After all, I didn't want her to think I'm some creep that is always thinking of how we would be a 'starstruck' type of couple. Shit. I am that type of creep. "You're right. I've never looked at it like that before." I felt like I had just earned a gold star sticker. I felt like I've achieved something.

"Can I ask you a question?" As I heard these words escape her lips, panic washed over me like sunlight bathes over a person, instantly. "Don't worry, I'm just asking you if you would like to come over for tomorrow since I probably won't have anything to do today" She just asked me over to her house for dinner? Oh no. This will end badly in so many ways, I was sure of it. "Yes." I said faster than I could think it over.

Anna's POV:

Well that was unexpected. He said yes. Great here comes the freaking out part. I didn't actually think he'd say yes. I'll have to explain this to my parents. It'll be difficult to explain how I'll be having a guy over dinner, sitting at my dinner table probably watching me eat like a pig who loves bacon. Ugh! now I'm making references to pigs eating pigs? what kind of pig cannibal am I? Okay I'm really freaking out. I should say something before he thinks I made a which I sort of... kind of... did. I mean to come off rude I don't mind him coming over but it's just that I'm afraid he won't really like what he'll see. My family is sometimes weird and complicated or even creepy slash competitive. Which is why I'm struggling with the idea of having him over for dinner at "The Adam's Family". Great now I'm making references to a 1991 Film series.

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