Chapter 5: Family Ties.

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Oliver's POV:
1:52 pm

it's been two days since the murder in my future home occurred. I've done all I could to solve the case yet I keep getting nowhere. Didn't matter what resources I had, I still hit brick walls. I wanted more than anything to help Anna be free of her mothers hold so I could spend more time with her. Well that doesn't seem selfish at all. Bum. I didn't know why I jumped at the opportunity of solving a case that the police couldn't even solve for about two days. What was I, Sherlock? The only reason I really went deep into this case was because Anna could finally see me as the guy who would help me whenever she was in need. I guess that's about to go away.

"Oliver! Where have you been? I've been calling you for the past hour!" Mother yelled all the way through the kitchen as she walked towards my "office". More like a library. When will this woman ever stop nagging me for everything she can't get done. "What do you want, mother?" I asked the question when I really didn't want an answer but I knew that if I didn't answer her back, then she would nag me about not speaking up. "First of all, you're tone and attitude needs to be proper, haven't I taught you that?. Second of all, you're not dressed up! And third of all, where is your little brother?"

Her responsibilities become mine. I guess even if I did answer back, she'd still nag me about anything she could think of. "Dressed up for what? And how should I know where Keenan is. He's your son." I talked back without a care. "Oliver! He's your brother! Your responsibility!" She sighed, "Why do I even try?" She paused. Why? Did she think I was going to feel empathy or sympathy towards her? No. "Why aren't you dressed up for your aunts ball? Lisa is going to be there and you need to look your best." She stood still hovering above the desk I was currently seated at.
Lisa? She's my Mothers co-workers daughter. They've had us out to be a couple since I was born. My mother has worked with her co-worker (Lisa's mother) before I was even born. Let's just say my family is keen on doing business and earning something out of it. "What's it matter if Lisa's there. I'm not going anyways." I mustered up the courage I've had for a while now to respond. Hold on, where was Keenan? "It matters a lot, she'll be your future partner. Don't you think you should get to know her a little better. Or maybe show some respect towards her family?" Her tone wasn't convincing me to go to the ball at all.

"And who are you to decide you're not going?"
Now, I'm mad.
I was scorching hot from the anger that bubbled up inside me. All the heat from the previous arguments and fights we've had. Yes fights. Also, forgot to mention, my mother abuses me. Along with my father. Yet at this moment, none of that mattered to me. None. I was going to hit her but with all that respect to myself...I didn't. It was definitely not worth it. If I hit her, I'd become just like my father; abusive towards his wife and children. That is my biggest fear; becoming like my parents. If I ever raise a family, I would love them with all my being. I would lay no hand on them whatsoever. I promise it.

"What are you going to do? Huh?" She was throwing daggers at me with her eyes just by staring at me. I made sure I was shooting bullets. I've had enough. I had to leave. The only place I could think of going to is Anna's home. And so I took my things as my mother was stood there watching me, then I just walked away. She grabbed my arm and looked into my eyes and her eyes spoke, don't you think of walking away because if you do, I'll make sure your father knows. Eh. I pulled away from her grasp and went to Anna's home.

The air felt fresh, as did the atmosphere. That home and family is negative energy. As long as I step foot in my own home, the depression, anxiety, fear and many more terrible emotions, start pulsing through my veins as if it were my own blood. That's it. The bad energy is my own blood. My own family (with the exclusion of my little brother). This is the moment when I realize I need to get away from them. And so I did. As I was walking towards Anna's house, I saw flowers that haven't yet fallen due to the season. They looked so beautiful, it was as if you couldn't imagine them looking dead. They were so beautiful...they reminded me of her.

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