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When I got to school all my frowns were waiting on me. From the sheer quiteness I could tell something was off. Eh! Maybe just some drama. It'll pass. They sat in their usual spots and when I made it to them I took a seat by Bobby. They didn't greet me with excitement like they usually do. How weird? How scary? The dram can't be that bad... Can it? One things for sure, this is very unusual. They didn't look at me a lot or talk at all. Sometimes I caught one of them staring at me like they were guilty of murder. Jaylen met my wondering gaze and shyly said hey, I said hey still confused and surprised about today's mood. I have a hunch today isn't going to a "good day of school". I had so much more confidence this morning than I do now. ...

Lunch time rolled around pretty quick, as usual we went to the roof to eat our food,but only no one ate. We just sat in a circle that we called 'the circle of friendship', but I didn't feel so wanted and things don't seem so friendly, at all. In sixth period my parents checked me out of school, eailer than expected.

When we arrived in front of the house mom asked me how my day was and we broke off into a rather interesting conversation. . . .

"How was school Ragen?" Mom asked, almost sing.
"Um, it was quite and unusual.." I said, still confused on today's absences of happiness at school.
"Oh? What happen, dear?" Mom asked, courious now.
"No one talked at all. Or even said hey or anything. No hugs or jokes... Just abrupt silence." I said, kinda slow.
"My,my you kids ever talk about it?" She asked, mind struck in confusion.

That makes two of us

"Nope....nothing all day." I said, my voice lacking hope.
" want me to call they're parents to see what's wrong?" She asked.
"No thanks. But that's nice of you." I said.
"Your welcome,honey." Mom said, ending the conversation.

Mom and dad both exchanged looks and sighed. I started to wonder why I'd been checked out of school so early, so I asked.

"Mom, so why'd I get checked out for?" I asked.
" we were just about to bring that up." Dad answered my question.
"So..?" I pressed.
" we are moving today and I already paid the pills for lights and water so we're heading out today." Dad said.
"To where?" I asked.
"To a town called Sunnyside." Dad said.
"Oh.." I said.
"Sighs. Sweetheart. Ragen, I know this is probably hard for you knowing how much you like Hollywood,but were getting old and things get more expensive as things advance. We're sorry." Dad said, with sympathy in his eyes.
"It's okay, guys" I said.
" I'm gonna go finish packing. We're heading out at 8:30 so you guys need to finish packing." Dad chuckled and headed out the room.
" I'm gonna finish up ,too. You'll need to get started sweetie."mom said.
"Alright." I said.

We walked up the stairs and I was kinda happy... I listened to mom talk about how dad had a wonderful job opportunity and how gran and grap signed the old store over for mom; to mom. Plus, they're profits when they passed away, here recently. Not like we didn't have enough money.. Finally, we parted and I went I or my room and shut the door. I not said I'm just aggravated about my friends mood today. I decided to get over it though it lingers in my head. I picked up some boxes and went to work. I have a lot of stuff,but I was done in no time at all. I carried the last of my boxes down stairs and suddenly my phone vibrates in my pocket. I sat the box I had down and got my phone out, it was my friends on KIK• . Bobby,Jaylen,Alex, Ixaver, Miley, and sherral. They all said hey and they started telling me why they were so anti today.
Sherral said---

"Because we can't be friends anymore. Your just to, well to weird. Plus, we don't want to be considered as nerds anymore we want the nickname 'cool kids'. We're tired of all the privileges we DONT get, because we hang out with you. We can't be friends with you Ragen Marie Blades. So goodbye and have a nice life Ragen..." Sherral a last message to me and the last message in the group chat. I typed "Ok" and deleted they're messages and contacts and every other way to contact them...
I didn't cry for some odd reason I only felt angry and a little hurt and mostly the sudden urge to move faster. To get away from here. To leave Hollywood for good.

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