Chapter#8: Seer's Gift.

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(Beep! Beep!)

I launched out of bed with rocket speed. My alarm clock was sounding off. Ugh! I got school today.

It felt like I've been inrolled in this school for months, but I've only been one day.. The insane love I had for my unnormal room deepened.. The hot water that splashed my face woke me from my thought process. I hurried this morning, I didn't pick anything blue to wear as a matter of fact I wore black and white. A white T-shirt with my name on it and black BOBs with bleach skinny jeans.

When I came down the stairs everyone was already gone. I ate my cereal slow and without interest. The kitchen was just an ordinary kitchen, it didn't amuse me anymore, it didn't give me a feeling of inspiration like it usually did.

My mind flew back to yesterday...

How that--- ghost had her baby---an infant in a bag full of water and had the nerve to ask where--... I shook my head at the thought. That truly discussed me,but she must've been having DT's to do that. DT's is Dark Thoughts.

I sipped my dollar McDonalds tea while I parked in the same place as Friday. Right beside me was that violet colored Volvo that dark haired girl from Friday was driving, parked in the same exact place as last time.
I sighed.

"What a drag." I said, meaning today, school and everyone in it.

I reached out for the door handle just when a flicker went thru my head and I jerked my hand back, there he was standing on the other side of the door, ready to make me look like a fool trying to open a locked door. Ash. I totally forgot about him. Damn. He was a real pain, as if he couldn't help but make the day more annoying than it already is!

I went to another door and let myself inside, without looking his way I went to the office. I want to talk to Ms. Winkle about Ash. I wanted to see his school records, wanted to see what crowd he spends his time with. Although, I already knew, I wanted to pass time. Before I even got to the hall I could see her handing me a tan file folder while her eyes twinkled; like glitter in the sun. I see her telling me-

"your a smart girl, just like your mother said you are. I'm proud of you. Just don't tell anyone, Kay?" .

I see I have the gift of a seer. A physic.

I took hold of the door handle and a fish of events and every memory the door went through was instantly apart of my mind...

Ms. Winkle was delighted to see me. Her glumly mood shifted immediately when j can in her office . I got down to my question right away.

"Ms. Winkle, if it's not against your rules may I see Ashs school-behavior records?" I asked.
"Oh-um. Yes sure. Is there a problem?" She asked.
" yes and no actually." I said,taking a breath.
"Fill me in while I give you a copy, please." She said .
" well it's not bad or anything, but he's just unusual and I mean no offense, but he's a real creeper." I said, wincing.
"I know what you mean" she said, serious now.
"Whoo! I thought I was the only one." I said .
"Not at all." She said.
"Good." I said.
"Your a smart girl, just like your mom said you are. I'm proud of you. Just don't tell anyone, Kay?" She asked, smiling that smile that made me feel at home.
" yes of course." I said, satisfied with my gift.
" ok Hon, you come to me for anything you need." She said.
" I will. thanks. Love you for this." I said.
"Oh my. :-) don't get me carried away dear." She said, shocked but powered by my words.
" I don't mind. Really. Your my favorite person here. After all you were the first kindest and I envy your spirit, its unique. I really adore it." I said, truthfully.
"Wow! Thanks so much. I love you too." She said, while hugging me with tears of graduate flowed from her eyes.
" your always welcome." I said, hugging back.
" alright sweetheart you need to get to class. I hope you have a wonderful day. You made mine." She said, heart touched.
" yes ma'am." I said, waving bye..

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