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Anthony Pov:

After having dinner at Adrianna sister house I drove her back to her house so she could get ready for the all black party. Once I got home I showered and changed into my all black polo shirt, black true religion jeans, and black retro 13's. I then started to head out to Adrianna house since she lives kind of far.
Adrianna Pov:
Once Anthony dropped me off Selena and Kapri texted me telling me there coming over to change over at my house and I said it was cool, I showered and lotion my body up, I put on my lace black bra matching panties, black tight leather dress, and black red bottom heels, make up I just did a smokey eye, fake lashes, and pink lipstick. I have my hair down in big wavy curls. But Kapri interrupted me from putting my dress on.
" Adrianna can you zip my dress up." Kapri asked.

" Girl suck that stomach in." I said trying to zip her dress up.

" Bitch I can't breathe you want me to die." She said.

" Well sadly this dress to small it won't go up." I said.

" Foreal this shit fit last week." She said.

" I got another black dress but it's gone be a little shorter because woahhhhhh, that ass you got back there is fatt." I said smacking it.

" Ayyyyy burnt pussy lips, burnt pussy lips, burnt burnt, burnt pussy lips, burnt pussy lips, burnt, he like them black lips ayyeee." Selena said twerking

" Ayeeee Yess bitchh, cause my bestfriend finna she finna ohhh go bestfriend, that's my bestfriend, that's my bestfriends, yesss you betta, you betta fuck it up, bestfriend won't chu won't chu throw it in a circle ayyyeeee." I said smacking both they asses.

" Omg look at her butt." Anthony said in a white girl voice.

" Oh shit." I said embarrassed running to the room I was only in my panties. Know everybody else had there dresses on except me, like my titties were out.

" Yo ma don't be shy I saw them already they look good." Anthony said knocking on the door.

" I'll be out in 5 minutes." I said.
I got done changing and started looking for the dress for Kapri but found some other dress.
" Kapri see if this fits." I said.

" You look beautiful." Anthony said.

" Thanks handsome." I said.

" Well come on let's go." He said.

" The girls coming with us that's cool." I asked.

" Yea ill just wait." He said.

" Adrianna it's too tight." Kapri yelled.
This girl here to thick, after an hour of finding her a dress she found one that fits her. Time to go party!
Anthony Pov:
When we got to the party Adrianna and I walked inside holding hands and I spotted Jessica hoe ass. Good thing she didn't see me. We went over to V.I.P section and started taking some shots.
" Ohhh shitt this my song." Adrianna said singing to Ciara.
" Is that your bitch over there, giving me the ugly stare, the one with the silicone ass, and the Brazilian hair." She said singing pointing her finger in my face.
In my mind I'm like yes that is my ex bitch over there giving you the ugly stare with no ass, and horse hair. Yup Jessica saw me and tried coming up but the didn't let her pass. Fuck mane.
Adrianna Pov:
At this time I was a little bit tipsy but I could still think straight. Songs kept playing, in till I felt like dancing so I grabbed Anthony hand and started dancing to Tinashe 2 on.
We was dancing having a good time in till body party came on.
" Are you sure you want to dance to this?" Anthony asked.

" Yea." I said.

" Are you sure." He asked again.

" I'm positive." I said.
Anthony grabbed my hands and turned me around so my back was on his front and he put his hands on my waist and he whispered in my ear dance for me, and I smiled and I wrapped my hands around his neck and I slowly started to grind on him and its started to get intense all of a sudden I started to feel him getting a boner. He started on kiss on my neck slowly and then some bitch pushed me off him.

" What the fuck Anthony who is this hoe!" Some bitch yelled.

" Yo who the fuck you think you are pushing me and shit bitch are you out your fucking mind dumb bitch. " I said getiting in her face.

" I'm Jessica bitch Anthony girlfriend." She said and pushed me again.

" Bitch your just a thirsty hoe, and put your hands on me one more fucking time I will beat the fuck out of you." I yelled and started taking my heels off.

" Touch.....bitch." She said and pushed me this time harder.

That's when I went crazy I hop on her and started punching her face, I started stomping her face and pulling all her cheap weave out her head, I then felt her pull my hair and she punched me a few times I'm not gone lie, then I grabbed a handful of her hair and started banging her head against her the wall, then I pulled her down on the floor again and kick her face one last time.

" You got what you asked for bitch." I yelled.

" Dang hoe you got knocked the fuck out!" Kapri and Selena yelled at the same time.

" Adrianna wait!" Anthony yelled running towards me.

" Yea." I said and turned around facing him.

" I'm sorry about that she my ex and I'm sorry ma." He said.

" It's cool that bitch ask for it I just really want to go home tho." I said.

" Aight let me go get Selena and Kapri." He said.

To be honest I was not mad because he didn't know she was here but I'm still pretty tho if I see that bitch again I will stab her cause I'm one crazy bitch. But what happen on the dance floor it felt right like the kisses he was laying on my neck and the way our body was rocking side to side to the beat felt right. I think I like Anthony.
Hey loves Hope yall enjoy the chapter sorry for any mistakes I make.

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