Anthony Pov:
" Bruh did you really just do that." I said laughing.
Adrianna just looked at me and said " Boy I could dance." And tried doing the moon walk and ended up busting her ass.
" I could tell." I said and helped her up.
" Don't judge me bighead." She said and smacked the back of my head.
" Gurl if you don't stop hitting me." I said and rubbed my head her heavy handed ass.
" What chu going to do." She said and got up on the chair so she was my height.
We both busted out laughing " I'm going to beat ya ass up." I said and picked her up.
" No you not." She said and started hugging the shit out of me.
" Little ass midget you really think your hurting me." I said laughing.
" Boy move your tall ass, always judging a bitch height." She said and pushed me.
" Are you mad or naw." I said and poked her cheek.
She smacked my hand " Leave me alone Anthony." She said and started hitting me again.
Adrianna Pov:
I was over at Anthony house he called me at 4:00 in the morning saying he was bored." Yo where your mom?" I asked.
" She back in Chicago she coming back in a week or two." He said and got up and walked into the kitchen.
I followed him and said " Oh but I'm hungry so cook some shit up for me." And smack his ass.
He turned around and looked at me " You didn't just touch my ass." He said with the most serious ass face.
" Yea I smacked your ass." I said smiling.
" How do that feel huh." He said and roughly turned me around and smack my ass ten times harder.
" Damn bighead ass always getting mad over shit, smacking my ass with that big ass hand of yours." I said and rubbed my ass cheek.
" What do you want to eat?"He asked.
" Can you cook?" I asked.
" Yea what you want mane." He said frustrated.
" I want some mash potatoes, collard greens, and baked chicken." I said.
" I can't make that shit." He said and opened the fridge.
" Ayee that bootayyy." I said and smacked it.
" Aye mane what I tell you Bruh." He said and turned around mad.
I just laughed, his face looked so serious like oh my gawd.
" I'm playing damn well make me what you can." I said and sat down on a chair.
" Let see what can I make for this fat ass gurl." He mumbled.
" I heard you bitch." I said and started texting my brother.
" I don't got shit so let's head to the store." He said and grabbed his keys.
We got in the car and drove to the nearest grocery. We arrived to Trader's Joe and walked inside. We was looking and Anthony was taking forever.
" It feel like Im shopping with my mom." I said remebering my mom would literally be at a fucking store for hours.
" Shut up." He said.
" Hurry your ass up." I said.
He looked at me and grabbed few things. We went up to a register and paid, and headed back.
Selena Pov:
I was heading to Adrianna condo since her and Kapri had an arguement and I think Kapri should apolgize to Adrianna l, she gave her some where to stay she dont pay not one bill, and she dont clean or cook." Adrianna." I yelled knocking.
Kapri opened the door and stood there.
" Are you going to stand there or move?" I asked.
" She not here, she at Anthony crib." She said and moved so I could come in.
" Aww so tell me why you actinf like that towards her?" I asked and sat down.
" I dont know my feeling are all over the place." She said and shrugged her shoulders.
" Well you should say sorry, to be honest you been acting like a bitch towards her." I said getting on instagram.
" I feel so bad know." She said.
I was scrolling when I got a message from Jessica.
Jessica: Adrianna Watch it hoe!
Selena: Wrong number bitch ans watch ya ass, touch Adrianna, and pray bitch.
Jessica: Touch me bitch and my girls will fuck you up.
Selena: Okay bitch bye.This bitch better not start shit with me.
Hey guys this chapter sucked sorry✌🏻️❤️

Dangerously In Love
Novela JuvenilFalling in love can be the best thing to ever experience, or the worst sadly... Giving your all to one person and putting your trust, time, love, dedication can be risky. In a relationship there will be ups and downs, breaks, heartbreaks, late night...