Stuck in love❤️

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Adrianna Pov:
" Sitting here feeling kinda crazy,But not just any crazy, It's the kind you feel, when you love somebody,And I know that my baby, is calling somebody else baby,And I can't sit still, look how gone it got me.Who knew that my heart could ever bruise,You see this scar here on my chest,I'm hurting and he don't even care." I sang.

" It's 4 AM and my lover won't answer,He's probably somewhere with a dancer, Sipping champagne while I'm in his bed,It's 4 AM and I think might lose it, This motherfucker thinking I'm stupid,He must've bumped his head,Don't he know it's 4 AM." Selena sang.

We was in the kitchen sipping some wine, I'm in my feelings Why? Because I don't know how I'm feeling inside I'm suck in love, I'm really feeling Anthony but I'm scared, confused, and anxious I'm feeling this type of way because I don't know how to tell him, that I'm feeling him I don't know how he will take it.

" Girl what got you in your feelings with all these love songs?" Selena asked pouring her 3rd glass of wine.

" I like Anthony, and I want to tell him how I feel but you know me when it's come down to feelings." I said.

" Girl how old are you 12, you are a big girl just tell him straight up how you feel." She said.

I just looked at her and thought to myself I wish it was that easy.
Anthony Pov:

" So Bruh you been so distance lately." Terrance said.

" I been hanging with Adrianna bro." I said and put the blunt to my lips.

" You feeling her nigga?" He asked rolling another blunt.

I sat there for a minute and asked myself Are feeling her?

" I mean she a cool girl, but I'm not the one for her she deserve better." I said and looked down at my phone seeing she just texted me.

" Really nigga, look you smiling  and shit." He said.

" I got to go bro." I said.

" Aight see ya." He said.

Adrianna just texted me saying to come over that we need to talk, so I'm driving to her place.

* Adrianna condo*

I knocked and I saw her she had her hair in a high bun, no makeup, pink little shorts, and white sport bra.

" Hey ma." I said and hugged her.

" Hey bighead." She said.

I closed the door behind me and followed her to the couch.

" So I'm here what you wanna talk about?" I asked.

" So Anthony we known each other for 6 months, and every time I'm with you I'm happy, I never felt this way before you make my day with just one simple text, the first thing I think of when I wake up is you. What I'm basically trying to say Anthony is I like you I really do." She said looking down playing with her fingers.

" Wow, umm I don't know what to say." I said honestly.

She just looked at me and her eyes started to get watery.

" I knew this was a bad idea." She said shaking her head.

" Nah it wasn't I'm gone tell you straight up how I feel about you, Adrianna you is a very beautiful gorgeous girl ever since I met you I was like that's gone be my girl but then I was like she don't deserve a guy like me." I said looking into her eyes.

" What makes you say that?" She asked.

I didn't say nothing, I just looked at her.
Adrianna Pov:
Anthony was just looking at me, I started to get closer and I just couldn't help myself I grabbed his face and started kissing him.
It felt so right, his lips was soft, I didn't want this moment to end.

" Ma hold up." He said.

" I'm sorry Anthony, I got carried away." I said and covered my face.

Suck in love😩❤️
Hey guys hope yall enjoyed the chapter❤️
Thank you for reading! 😊


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