Real Feelings

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The new cover pic❤️
Anthony Pov:

Its been a week since I last saw Adrianna and the only reason why I'm with Jessica is because we been together for 4 years and she been rocking with me for a minute now, and I still got love for her..... but to be honest I'm not that happy no more with her she not the same girl i meant 4 years ago..

" Baby can you take me shopping?" Jessica asked.

" I just took you last week, shit what else you need." I said counting money.

" Oh my god Anthony you always thinking about yourself you don't love me no more!" She yelled.

We only been together for a month and 1 week, and she is already bitching. I come to realize I probably fucked up things with Adrianna, so I decided to text her.

Anthony: Hey can we talk?

Nbs.. I miss her like crazy I did have feelings for her and still do. Just the way she smile and basically everything about her is amazing..

" Hello Anthony, I'm talking to you!" Jessica yelled.

" What bro!" I said annoyed.

" Excuse me who you think you talking to and I'm not your bro!" She yelled.

" You know what fuck this shit, I'm done hearing your ass bitch all the time." I said got up and walked out the door. 

" You gone regret walking out that door Anthony!" She yelled.

I don't even know why I was so dumb to back with Jessica, I got in my car and drove to Adrianna house.


Adrianna Pov:

I saw Anthony text, of course I didn't reply back. I was watching bad girls club reunion with Selena, I'm always with her but she my bestiee!!!!!!!!!

" Kat is acting crazy yooo, she don't care she beating everybody ass. But that was really fucked up what they did to Jela and the twins stuff." Selena said shoving a handful of popcorn into her mouth.

" I know I would be pretty piss to if they did that to my shit." I said.

" But they was act---" I said getting cut off by the doorbell.

" I'll get it." said Selena and I decided to order some wings and pizza, but then I see Anthony coming in walking towards me. Why is he here?

" Hey I was wondering can we talk?" Anthony asked.

" Hmm.. Lets step outside." I said and walked outside.

" I wanted to say I'm sorry for hurting your feelings." He said.

" I appreciate you coming here to say sorry, but Anthony... you really had me thinking we was gone be something.... and to see you with her really hurt me." I said feeling my eyes get watery.. I won't cry tho.

" I'm sorry, but I can't change change what I did or the choices I made." He said shrugging his shoulders.

" So.. you basically telling me you don't care." I waited for an answer, but nothing.

" You came here to speak so speak to me." I said.

" Aight, Adrianna I know you for 5 months and it feels like years. Ever since I met you I wanted you to be mine.. but I was so dumb and went back to my ex. And I regret it and a lot but theirs nothing I could do about it, but I want you Adrianna I want to be with you..." He said and lean in and kissed me.


Hey guys thank you for reading. I changed the book name It use to be " Goofy Love" but I changed it to " Dangerously In Love with You" I also changed the cover. Hopefully y'all like it!!!!! ❤️☺️

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