Story and experience by, FanfixWritrWhen I was 11, I was sitting in my room. Now the thing is, with my room, is that it's as creepy as hell. My light hangs low and has chains wrapped around it which doesn't make me happy at all.
Well one day, I was writing a story on my notepad (my laptop) about my paranormal experiences, which I have been having since I was 4 years old. Then all of a sudden, I hear swinging. I whip my head around to see what was making the noise and saw that my light was swinging. Then it started swinging in circles until the lightbulbs shattered.
A few days later I was sitting on my bed, doing my homework. Then all of a sudden I heard a girl singing. She sounded as if she were a teenager and she sung:
1,2 Freddie's coming for you.
3,4 Lock your door.
5,6 Get a Prix.
7,8 Don't stay up late.
9,10 Never sleep again.I decided to ignore it and when I was laying in bed late that night I heard something whisper in my ear, "Don't worry, I was just singing that to see how you would react."
About a year later when I was 12, I was on a walk. As I was walking past my neighbors house, I heard something in the drain below me. It said, "Hello Anna." And Anna is my name. I looked down at the drain to see nothing then I heard, "Aren't you gonna say hello?" With that I bolted back home. It reminded me of the movie 'It' and I was SUPER scared.
On my 13th birthday I got an Annabelle doll because I love horror and stuff like that. That night when I went to bed, I placed the doll at the other side of my room. I woke up the next morning to see the doll right in my face, with a knife in her hand. I thought it was my dad playing tricks on me so I laughed it off.
About a week later, I heard this voice whisper in my ear, "Annabelle doesn't like it when you disrespect her. Please, I don't want you dead." That scared the hell out of me and I listened to whomever warned me.
1 month later, I was in my room chilling on my bed and reading on Wattpad. I took a glance at the Annabelle doll and I swear to god I saw her eyes blink! I shook the thought off and went to sleep. I woke up to my dad telling me I'd be home alone and he walked off. I heard the door lock and shut and I fell back asleep. I woke up to the sound of laughter and looked at the doll. She was laughing and laughing and it scared the hell out of me again! The Annabelle doll now lives in the attic with the other creepy dolls, and I sometimes hear the charting and laughing.
I feel like that ghost in my room was warning and trying to protect me from the Annabelle doll. Paranormal stuff still happens and the ghost does scare me, but it said yesterday and I quote, "I will protect you until you die." I was comforting too.
This is the experience of FanfixWritr!
I only shared and published her story with only a few small edits, such as switching, "When I was 4." --> "When I was 4 years old." Small stuff like that.
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Ghost Stories
Storie breviTrue Ghost stories found all over the internet, CREDIT goes to the authors!