Fifth- Rick

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Would anyone be surprised that Rick was the most reluctant to add his words to the board? He saw his employees walk up to the board one by one that morning adding their words. He was half tempted to crumple his paper and throw it in the garbage. That would ruin their day. Just as he was about to go through with this thought, Maddie walked by and gave him a simple smile and asked , "Did you receive the envelope with words yesterday?" Although Rick never said anything, he always found Maddie to be a cute little thing. He couldn't find it in himself to be mean to her.

"Yes I did. I was just about to add them to the board." And so he did.

Look(1-A) Up(1-B) And(1-C) Smile (1-D)

Especially(2-A) On(2-B) A(2-C) Day(2-D) Like(2-E) Today(2-F)

Today(3-A) Is(3-B) Going(3-C) To(3-D) Be(3-E) Wonderful(3-F)

Today(4-A) Is(4-B) Going(4-C) To(4-D) Be (4-E) Full(4-F) Of(4-G) Smiles(4-H)

Exciting(5-A), Right?(5-B)

Remember(6-A) - Life(6-B) Can (6-C) Always(6-D) Turn(6-E) Around(6-F)

Something(7-A) Great(7-B) Is(7-C) Just(7-D) Around(7-E) The(7-F) Corner(7-G)

Although Rick was always in a bitter mood, he couldn't help but curl his lip in a satisfied smile.

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