Chapter 1: It Doesn't Matter

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My name is Naminé, and I like to draw. That's about it for me; there's nothing much to talk about me. I'm just a regular teenage girl who is on her way to high school.

Most girls would be freaking out on the last week of summer because they're not ready and wish they had more time. This is just a phase that should've already been passed since second grade. To me, it was just another summer ending and school starting again. A repeating cycle of adolescence. It all just seemed the same to me. As usual, I didn't had any friends to spend this summer. I only spent some of it with my parents.

I have pretty neat parents. They're fun, loving and kind people, and the perks about having no friends is that my parents won't have to embarrass me in front of them. They're great parents, but they're usually busy. My dad's a CEO of a major electronics company, and my mom's a registered nurse. I barely see them, which was okay with me because it gave me the freedom to do whatever I want.

Today, I decided to leisure my time at my favorite spot on Twilight Hill. Here in Twilight Town, the hill has the best spot to watch the sunset. I sat on a bench facing the town's clock tower and pulled out my sketch book and pencil. I turned to the page where I last left off on my incomplete sketch of this view of my beautiful town. I began lightly rubbing the tip of the graphite on the page, capturing the shape of the tower.

This was all I needed. As long as I can draw and have occasional chats with my family, I don't really need social relationships to be happy.

When a man climbed up the hill while walking his dog, the animal took notice of my presence and decided to sprint toward me, the owner loosing his grip on the leash. When the dog came up, I pulled up my knees and held on closely to my sketch pad as I attempted to inch away from the creature barking at me. "Oops! Sorry, miss," the owner apologized as he gave a smile, trying to pull his dog away.

My heart began beating gradually faster and faster. I tried to breathe but it was just making it worse; I couldn't control my fast paced breathing. I dug through my pockets, only to find them empty. I dropped my pencil and book on the floor. I coughed a few times as I crouched over, holding my tight chest close to my knees. "M-miss, are you all right?" The man said before my vision became blurry.

Oh yeah, one more thing I forgot to mention about myself. I have asthma.

I remember being driven to the hospital and watching ceiling lights fly up as I was being carried by a gurney. When I woke up, I was in a hospital bed with my mom holding my hand.

"Why didn't you have your inhaler with you?!" She demanded, almost at the break of crying.

"I didn't think I would need it today," I weakly replied. I've hated having asthma ever since I was a kid. It was because of that that I couldn't participate in school activities and have pets. I was against the idea of being asthmatic that I tried resisting having attacks every time, but will power wasn't enough to to get me breathing again. Everyday I'd go to Twilight Hills because that was where the air was cleanest, but even at my favorite place the fumes of the city reached there. It really sucked.

The next day, my parents decided to have a serious talk with me at the kitchen table.

"Now Naminé," my mother started, staring at me across the table with sincere eyes. "The doctor said that your condition hasn't been improving." Uh, yeah. You think I haven't caught that on yet? I'm at age sixteen and I'm still battling asthma.

My father then folded his hand and began to speak. "So your mother and I thought that you should go stay at your uncle's house on Destiny Island and attend school there, where the air is more fresh."

"We know this may sound hard transferring to a new school on your second year, but please put some thought into your health."

"Okay," I simply replied without a minute of consideration.

"A-are you sure?" My mother asked. "Summer is only over in seven days. You still have time to think about this."

"I'm fine. It sounds like a great idea. I haven't visited Uncle Ansem in a while, the air is clean, and I think this new experience would give me a chance to make some new friends." To sell it off I gave a fake smile. Without surprise, my parents smiled back, thinking I meant what I said about that last part about making friends. I never talked about friends so they knew I was friendless and needed to get a social life, but I wasn't interested in that. Honestly, the only benefit I see from this new change was exploring the island so that I could have a new setting and more inspirations to draw.

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