Chapter 1~ Little Pup

18 2 0

Dakota POV

The random pack meeting did not come on a good day for me.

The sky was cloudy and the air was damp. The forecast said it was supposed to rain today but I doubted it because of the humidity, which was kindly making my hair frizzy. I stood uncomfortable in the crowd of people, all gathered around the stage near the pack house. On stage stood stood Alpha Tempus Uchiha. He was middle-aged. His eyes were chestnut brown, and he had smooth, tanned skin and silky black hair. He was tall and broad. His beta and my father, Andrew, stood with him. He was pale and blue-eyed. Although he was as tall as Tempus, he was nowhere close to being as thick, though he did have some muscle.

Behind the both of them, stood the Alpha's son, Alonso. He was a smaller, leaner version of his father. He was a year or so older than I was. He looked down over the pack in strength, pride and a vague but noticed hint of arrogance.

I knew a little about him. He came around occasionally on pack business or whenever my father invented him and his father to dinner. Of course, I saw him in school. Sometimes he says hi when I'm hanging out with his friend, Eric. My parents said we used to hang out a lot as kids but we stopped when his mother died from illness. The whole pack knows never to bring up the Fallen Luna. He smiled at me when he saw me staring. I turned my attention back to his father, avoiding eye contact.

"...therefore, the hunt is rescheduled to 5 pm. You are not required to join on time but you must return before nightfall. also, i would like ask for volunteers to join the planning party for the upcoming harvest festival. I know it's three months away, but we must begin now since our pack is hosting for this territory. If anyone is interested, please see me at anytime before Wednesday. And-"

"What about the breeches?" Someone shouted out.

Tempus and my father looked at each other. I had heard them discussing the issue the night before. Neither of them were too eager to address it. "As most of you know, there have been two reported gaps in the fences that surround our pack. I assure you it is most likely a bear or some ratty kids who need a new way to sneak out. You have almost nothing to be worried.

I didn't sigh in relief just yet.

"However, because of this, it means there is something large and potentially dangerous which is why hunts are required to be perform in the daylight. Until we are able to sort this out, pups are must been inside by an hour after nightfall, unless accompanied by an adult.

Someone of the pups my age sucked their teeth, groaned and sighed dramatically. Tempus took note, but took control. "I know, kids. But it's for your own safety. I believe that is all from me. Alonso?"

Alonso walked forward and pack girls whistled and cheered. He silenced them with a single glare. "Good. Hello, everyone. I'd like to make this short. As some of you know, I will be turning eighteen in January. With this, I will take position as Alpha. Within the months leading up to this, my wolf will be seeking a Luna. And-"

The girls went crazy. I heard a "I wanna be your Luna." "Mate me, Al." or "I want to have your pups." I plugged my ears with my fingers as the girl sat next elbowed me in the boob. I hate it when this happens. Every time Alonso announced anything, all hell breaks loose. I swear that boy could say he was going to take a shit and get "You can shit in my bathroom" "You can shit on my house" "You can shit on my face."

"Oi! All I'm saying is that i will be looking, however, I'd prefer not to be trapped. That is all." Alonso finished. He looked at me and smiled.

"Pack meeting complete, two hours before next hunt, meet at the east gate. Dismissed."

I turned to start back to my house which wasn't far from the pack house. I pulled my phone from my pocket and plugged my headphones. People pushed and created traffic out of the meeting area. Everyone's shouts and complaints were nothing.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2015 ⏰

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