The Positive Body Diet: Part I

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Let's be honest for a second, most of us have at some point have looked at ourselves in the mirror and not liked what we saw starrng back at us.  This mostly happens to those select individuals that find themselves fitting into the overweight category.  I myself once fit into this category, but figured out a way to dig myself out of the hole that was obesity and depression, and I now find myself myself here today looking better than I ever have my entire life.  And I feel a lot better as well, and I even have a lot more confidence in myself.  I now want to share the secrets of my success with the rest of the world.  This is not a business venture of any kind, I just believe that everybody should be able to achieve a second chance at experiencing the life that that they have always desired to have, but have been held back because they are seen as, fat, obese, etc.  There is hope for those of you out there that think they will always remain  overweight.

Step One

The first step before moving forward, is thinking to yourself why it is that you want to lose weight.  There maybe be a thousand different reasons why you may want to lose weight, seeking attention from those boys or girls that don't even look in your directions.  That feeling that you are trapped inside a life full of misery, or wanting to lure that special someone that you have been eyeing for quite sometime to you.  But all of those ideas need to leave your mind immediately!  The first thing you need to do is look at yourself  in the mirror and tell your reflection that, you are doing this for yourself and for nobody else.  Making your journey to be fit and healthy about everybody and everything else will not help you.  No motivation comes from wanting to be the hot guy or girl becasue, once those those motivations leave the picture, you begin to fall down the spiral staircase towards giving up on yet another diet plan.  Most of the time when people give up on their diet plans, they relapse back to their old eating habits and excuse it by telling themself that, they are always going to be fat and that they should accept it.  No one has to accept what they look like if they don't like it.  And that should be what motivates you, the fact that you don't like they way you look.  You love yourself and everything about being you, but you just want to shed some pounds off to feel even better about yourself.  And that is what you will have to remind yourself each and everyday while on taking the trip towards successful health.

Step Two

The second thing that you need to do, is to pick up the habit up drinking water, and stop with the sugary drinks.  These drinks include, sodas, sugary juices, smoothies, etc.  These things consumed every time you find yourself craving something to drink do help pack on the pounds.  Begin by slowing down on these drinks.  Whenever you find yourself thirsty for something to quench your thirst, try grabbing a nice cold glass of water, or a bottle of water.  Water itself does not have calories and actual cleanses the body the more you drink it.  I myself, when I first started my journey, drank nothing but water for months straight.  And it was amazing to see how much weight started to fall off of my bones just from that one change to my lifestyle.  The first month I did this, I dropped twenty pounds.  I drank water all day long no matter what occasion it was.  I'd go out to eat and ask the waiter for a cup of ice water, with a lemon to give it just a pinch of flavor.  Let's face it, water is not that great to drink, but it would not hurt to just give it a try for a few days.  If you stick with it for just a few days, the habit will naturally start to grow inside of you that you should have water whenever possible instead of fishing through your fridge for that nice coke or pepsi you think you deserve after a hard day of work , school, etc.  While most of you maybe at the drinking age and may not want to quit that habit, that is fine, just learn to cut back on how much alcohol you consume as well.  Those drinks do possess a lot of sugar as well, and do tend to bring on the pounds to, no matter what the labels say about how many calories the drink does not have.  Drinking alcohol in large quantities every single day, well lead you astray.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2013 ⏰

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