chapter 4

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I remember by keyshia Cole
Teonna P.O.V

As I walk to the car I had this feeling that my life will not be the same if I go in this car. As I enter the car Dad started the engine and blasted the radio.


Dad started to drive as if nothing happened in the house. So I did one thing that will get his attention.

"Dad , I am pregnant." I whisper

Dad pressed on the brake , and the car jerked to a stop. My head hit on the passenger seat . Samantha didn't even seemed fazed by it.

"YOUR WHAT?" Dad roared

"Nothing I am waiting for my explanation from you"

"Look , this might be a lot to take in but listen carefully. I was in a pack called the unknown. They were famous for killing and destroying other near by packs. They never heard of mercy. They killed the men and keep the women and children. They used the children as their slaves. They trained them until they died. They used women as sex slaves and carriers. I was born into the pack. They trained me, mold me into thinking everyone out of the pack are our enemies. Until I saw the alpha raped my mother and sister. I was angry and they used that anger for their entertainment. I had to fight other fighters till the death. But when the Alpha found his mate; who turns out to be my best friend and only friend only made him more powerful and evil. She thought he was changing for the better but only changed for the worse. One day she was brought to a fight that I was in and found out what he was doing to me and sneaked me out. And he didn't cared. He thought that as long as he has her, I would always come back. He was right but I still didnt let him get to me. He just raped her over and over again. Once I left I promised her I will come back to get her. And I did. We sneaked out all the way to Baltimore from Brazil. Where werewolf aren't allowed to shift or fight in wolf form. We got married and had you. Till one day we ran out of wolfbash to mask our scent and he found her going to buy more, while I was at work. He thought she was alone but he saw you and that got him angry. She sent you away to find the wolfbash, so you wouldn't see what would happened next. He pulled her in a alley raped her and killed her. He left a note on her body saying

" If I couldn't have her neither could you. I call it even do you agree"

I was angry that I couldn't protect her and that he caught her and not me. I felt her die and I left work to find you and her. That's when I saw the note before my wolf could take control , you ran out the store with the wolf bash saying

"mommy mommy, I find the powder. Mommy where did you go?".

I cried until couldn't anymore. I got up, grab you, and paid for the wolfbash. I asked the police department to not look for the killer or he will come after you. They didn't look but still kept an eye out on you. When you turned 16 years old I realized your appearance started to grow quicker for a human but slow for a werewolf due to the wolfbash I give you daily. That's why you haven't shifted yet. Your wolf is not strong enough for it to fully claim your body. You need your mate. The only way to find your mate is if you are around other werewolf. " Dad explained.

I was lost of words for the first time. When I looked at dad he was crying. But when I looked at Samantha I saw anger, jealously, sadness and regret. I didn't even know I was crying myself.

"Why do you look like that? Why do look like you hate taking about this? Huh? Oh maybe it's because you will never replace my mother, you sick bitch ." I spat

"Look you will understand when you have a mate. My wolf hates the fact that Robert love anyone before me. BUT i know I can't change that." Samantha said more to herself than to me

"Dad ?"


The fact that dad didn't say sweetheart or butterfly hurts. But I choose to ignore it.

"What was her name?"

"Whose name?" Dad ask curious

"Mom's. What was mom name?"

"R-" Dad was cut off by Samantha

"Bunny, you have to turn here" she said not even making eye contact

Dad made the turn and sure enough the airport was right there. We had to run to our section. When we got on the plane I was seated at the window seat, with a old man who snores and cough deadly every 10 secs. I put in my earphones and started listening to my favorite song by keyshia Cole

"OOh I remember
And I wanna know
Where were you when I said I love you
And where were you-u when I cried at night
Waking up couldn't sleep with out you
Thinking of all the times we shared ( chorus)
I remember when my heart broke
I remember when I gave up loving up
My heart couldn't take no more of you
I was sad and lonely
I remember when I walk out
I remember when I screamed I hated you
But some how deep inside I still loved you
I was sad and lonely
(Verse 2)
No one knew
All the pain I've been through
All love I saved deep in my heart for you
Didn't know that I would go
Where I would be
But you made me leave
Plus my heart, it just kept telling me so
(Verse 3)
There was no where elses to go.
No body else to turn to.
For the rest oh my life
I promise myself I-I-I
Will love me first
Can you and me-e-e-e
( chorus 3x)

I was crying by the last verse. This was her favorite song. This is what i have left of her. Music was her middle name. Rose Melody Johnson.

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