chapter 2

52 2 1

What Teonna's Dad and step-mother looks like up top
Song is up top
Dance like were making love by ciara


Teonna P.O.V

I lay down on my empty bed staying up at my ceiling. I sit up and looked around my room. My room is empty. All my stuff is in the moving truck outside with bimbo bitch and my dad. She just had to fuck up my life.

Knock knock

"Teonna can I come in?" Bimbo said

"I rather you not but you don't give a fuck about what I think"

" Teonna look I know you hate me but please understand that I love your father" Bimbo said with tears in her eyes while she comes in my room

"Fine, what is it you want in the first place?"

"I wanted to talk to both you and your father, downstairs please. After that we will be going in the car to the airport." Bimbo said with excitement in her eyes

"Ok whatever."

"Make sure you have everything ok, I will be down stairs" Samantha said smiling

"Hey wait can I be on my phone and etc on the airplane? I have never been on one so I don't know."

"Yes but it has to be on airplane mode ok" Samantha said and went down stairs

I grabbed my IPhone, earphones, charger and portable charger and I walk to my bedroom door. I stop and look around , a tear slipped from my eyes and I quickly wiped it away and slammed the door shut and I put my earphones in my phone and out then in my ears and played my favorite song by ciara.

Let dance like were making love

On the wall body to body you and

I all through the night baby

Closer than before.

Dance like no one is watching

You and I

Will have the time of our life baby

OOh lets dance like were making love-e-e-e

I dance all the way to the dinner room table where I realize my dad was screaming of the top of his lungs at me

"I am sorry what?"

"You made her cry" dad ask through his teeth

"Yea so?"

"I want you to apologize" Dad calming down

"I don't think so"

"Bunny she doesn't have to apologize okay" Samantha said with a sad smile

"Apologize NOW!!!!" Dad yells

" I apologize for- what am I apologizing for?"

"Nevermind" Dad says giving up

" Look I am sorry okay, it's hard seeing your best friend and father love some one other then mom"

"It's okay sweetheart" Samantha and dad said together

" now for what I wanted to talk to you guys about. Well there is only one way to say this but I am a werewolf" Samantha said smiling

I stare at dad and dad stare at me waiting for my reaction and I did one thing that came to mind

I laughed ____________________________________
Hey guys and girls,
Would you guys do the same thing she did? I would have called them weird and go back to listening to music. Agree or disagree Like, comment, or vote

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