chapter 10

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Teonna P.O.V

I feel very hot. So i tried to move form the source but it just pulled me back. Wait pulled me back?! I opened my eyes to see a board chest and screamed and fell off the bed.

"What the hell? Get off my bed you asshat"

He mumbled in his sleep and pulled me against him and sighed.

"Hello! Big guy! Max! Dammit. Wake up!" I yelled

"It's too early baby, go back to sleep." He said

"This motherfucker better- you know what?"

I just thought off the most amazing idea. I am so awesome. I moved his hands from my waist and took off to the bathroom. I then got the container with the toothpaste and brush and dumped it out. I filled it with cold water with a wicked grin on my face. I slowly proceed to the bedroom and to see him now laying on his stomach. I then made it rain in this bitch. I have never seen someone move so quickly in my life. In like a split second he was standing in front of me. Lets just say he was not raining sunshine. Haha get. Raining sunshine. Cause I made it --oh forget it. I was caught up in my own self that I didn't notice him fill the tub with cold water until he dropped me in it. When did he even lift me up. I jumped out as soon as I got in. I was shivering and dripping wet. Not like that you nasty readers. My thought was interrupted again by the asshole we call Max and his huge laugh. I gave him the best death glare, I could give.

"It's not funny!"

"karma a b!itch ain't she" He said; smirking

I am so starting to hate that fucking smirk.

"Can you please fix breakfast and not set the house on fire" I spat

He frowned then walk out the room while grabbing his shirt off the floor

Why did he frown? I said please. Weird.

I drain the water in the tub and set the shower to a warm temperature. I left the room and walked to the wardrobe and saw all my clothes were in order by colors and so was my shoes at the bottom of it. I guess someone has a bad case of OCD. I grabbed my favorite ripped high waist skinny jeans and my belly shirt that has zipper in the middle. I took that with me to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and showered. I dried off and realize that I left my underwear in the room, so I wrapped the towel around me and ran and grabbed my all black laced underwear and bra. I quickly put that on and got dressed. I curled my hair but brushed it through to give it that flat curl look, that perfectly frame my milk chocolate skin toned face. I exited the bathroom and proceed to the wardrobe, to get my all time favorite heels. My black ankle boots, they are my babies.Not even my dad can touch them. As I walk down the stairs, I heard two people arguing.

"what's that smell? " A woman said

" Look it's my mate." Max said

"Who is she Max?" A woman said;

"Why are you even here? I thought you gone rouge?" Max said calmly

" I love you best friend. When I overheard the pack saying you was back , I just had to see you." she said

" look if you are here to start problems then leave cause I don't need your bs. " Max demand

" Chill okay I have a mate and I am currently pregnant"

When I heard, I just want to rip her eyes out and make her eat it.

wow where did that come from?

"Because our kind don't do good with rogues. Now they are multiplying " a voice said in my head

I jumped, I almost dropped my heels out off my hand.

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