Chapter 1

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It was a crisp Tuesday morning and Gerard found himself on the floor of his trailer, a banging headache from last nights gig. Black strands of sweaty hair fell into his eyes and he sat up groggily, running a hand through his tangled hair. A few stumbles later he was up, glancing at his messed up hair and streaked makeup in the mirror, and his crumpled clothes. He yawned and let them drop to the floor, having a quick hot shower to make himself vaguely presentable.

Twenty minutes later Gerard was in black boots, black skinny jeans, a tshirt and a jacket, a little eyeliner streaked above his eyes. His hair was slightly damp from the shower, the dark mass falling into his eyes. Opening the door to his trailer he shivered at how cold it was, wrapping his arms around him and heading off to find someone. Turning a corner he bumped into someone and began apologising profusely, until he realised who it was. A mass of messed up black hair, clothes from yesterday still on and a small smile that made him blush and look up at the man shyly.

"Hey Frankie." Gerard mumbled, fiddling with his hands like a 6th grader talking to his crush.

"Hey Gee, what you doing up so early?" Asked Frank, running a hand through his unkept hair and adjusting his creased clothes.

"I was um, just wanting a walk. What about you?" He mumbled, lying about why he was up. Frank made his heart race and his stomach get butterflies, and he smiled more around him. Frankie didn't know this however, so hiding it from him had been a challenge.

"I was just on my way to pick up... Pick up..." Franks voice faded out as he struggled to come up with an excuse, and eventually sighed and came out with the truth.
"I was on my way to see you, actually."

This made Gerard look up with hope in his eyes and tried not to fidget excitedly, talking a bit faster than usual.
"To-to see me? What do you want to see me for? I mean not that I'm complaining or anything."

Frank looked at his feet shyly before taking a breath, looking around for people. "Let's talk in private." He led Gerard back to his trailer which was always a little way away from the others. He liked his privacy and it meant if he wanted to see Gee he could stop himself on the way there. They sat down on Franks bed, and Frankie fiddled with his hands trying to find the right words while Gerard looked at him patiently.

"Look, Gee, I... I thought you should know that..." he trailed off and looked at Gerard, the patience and the small smile faint on his lips. He blushed and swallowed nervously, facing more towards Gerard.
"I've been feeling this way for a while and I didn't know how else to tell you other than I think I'm in love with you." He rushed, eyes flicking to Gerards face for his reaction.

Inside Gerard was screaming. Frank liked him! Frank liked him. After a moment of shock he stumbled over his words in excitement.
"R-really? You do? You like me? I mean love me?"

Frank nodded and looked nervously at Gerard, watching as Gee took his hand, Frankies shaking in nerves, Gerards in excitement.

"You have no idea how long I've been waiting for you to say that. I'm in love with you too Frankie." Gerard exclaimed, grinning in happiness and feeling elated.

Frank looked at him for a moment before suddenly planting a soft kiss on his lips, giggling like a school kid. Gerard soon joined in and they looked at each other, laughing and Gerard leaned into Frank, settling his head in Franks lap.

"I love you Frankie." He mumbled.

"I love you too Gee."

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