Chapter 20

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*This flashback is an even earlier flashback than the first one.*

A flashback.

My mommy's singing.She's singing a lullaby.One that I hear every night.It's a song her mommy sang to her and her mommy before that and her mommy before that.It's been passed on in her family tree.

"Just close your eyes..You'll be alright.."she sang.

I can hear only half of what she sings.Her soothing voice sending me in a deep slumber.But I can't fall asleep.I can but I don't want to.

You see,every night,when my mommy finishes my lullaby and goes to bed,I watch the stars.There is no denying,stars are my favorite thing in the whole world.Well,next to mommy.My mommy is my favorite person in the whole world.

My mommy finished.She kissed my forehead saying,"Goodnight,sweetie."and went to bed.

I carefully listened to the sounds in her bedroom and hearing absolutely nothing,I got out of my bed and pulled one of my books out from my shelf.

This evening's gonna be different.I don't like having my mommy telling me the stories of these books.I like to read them by myself.So tonight I'm going to read this book as far as I can.It's my favorite book.

They say,'Don't judge a book by its cover.'But I have to admit,this book is beautiful.I read the title out loud.But quietly so mommy doesn't hear."Peter Pan."

I opened it and read the first page,"Chapter one.Once upon a time,there was a boy who never grew up."

Suddenly,I heard a knock on my window.That frightened me.I closed my beautiful book and held it close to my chest.Slowly and carefully,I made my way to the window and opened it.

In came a shadow.He didn't seem so dangerous.It waved a hand at me.I giggled and waved my hand back.It held its hand out to me and I looked at it,confused.

"Oh!Where are my manners?"I shook its hand,"I'm Y/n Mills.And you?"

It pointed at himself and made circles in front of his face.I completely understood what he was trying to say.

"Oh.Shadow?"I raised my eyebrows.

Shadow nodded.Then he grabbed my hand and pulled me towards my open window.My book still against my chest,I could feel my heartbeat quicken.I began to feel a bit nervous.

"Uhm.Mr.Shadow?Where are we going?"I looked at Shadow.

He looked at me,the up to the sky and pointed at the second star to the right.I smiled widely."Are you saying what I think you're saying?"I pulled away from his grasp and found the page where it was written,I showed it to Shadow,"Second star to the right and straight on 'til morning?"

Shadow looked at me and nodded.I smiled and looked at my door.Mommy will miss me.But I'll be back soon.Just like Wendy,John and Michael.

Shadow took my hand again and we flew out the window.Suddenly we stopped and he looked at me.With the other hand,he pointed at the window from outside.

I looked at the open window and looked back at Shadow,"Don't worry.My window's always open."I smiled.He let go of my hand and I was still floating.

I looked at the right star and started flying towards it.But while I wasn't looking,Shadow closed my window and locked it.

Soon it caught up on me and we flew in the star,we were going through colors. So many colors than I can't describe.

It was all a blur but what came next was clear as day.Mainly,because it was day.Neverland.In front of me.

We flew above it and I saw it all.The Lost Boys' Camp,Mermaid Lagoon,The Tribe.Sure,it was way less magical than I expected.But with a little bit of imagination,everything can work out.

Shadow looked back and stopped.For what he saw,was the first he'd seen.Ever.

He saw a landscape,he'd never seen before.Everywhere I flew by,it was colorful,green and alive.It looked way more beautiful and fascinating than in books,in movies.
It looked like in a real fairy tale.

Shadow looked back at me and pointed at the rest of Neverland.

I shrugged and smiled saying,"Imagination.Looks pretty,doesn't it?"There was silence,and he nodded slowly.

Soon,we were at The Camp.We flew down on the ground and I saw a boy.He looked like he was older than me.But still a teenager.The boy turned his head to me and Shadow and stood up.

When he saw me,he smirked.Shadow went to him and leaned closer to his ear.The boy shot a look at me and looked around.Shadow backed away from him to me.

I looked at my feet and saw green grass.Light green grass.I smiled and looked up at Shadow and the boy."Look!"

The boy looked at my feet and backed away.Shadow did the same.And what I saw,shocked me,the boy,Shadow and The Lost Boys all at once.Because all of Neverland finally truly was,Alive.It looked just like I said.Like in fairytales.

The boy looked around.He smirked.He smiled.And looked at me."How did you do that?"

I looked at Shadow and looked back at the boy.I shrugged,"Imagination."

The boy chuckled and came closer to me.I was a lot shorter than him,so he knelt down in front of me."What's your name?"

I crossed my arms and smiled,"Y/n Mills."I studied him up and down,"What's yours?"

"Have you never heard of me?This is Neverland."he smirked.

"Yes,I know.Do you live here?"I quirked a brow.

"In fact I do.Because you see,I'm Peter Pan."he smiled.

I gasped like little kids do.Because I'm only five."You're real?!"

"Why wouldn't I be?"he furrowed his brows,still smirking.

"Because my teacher and friends said that you're just a fairy tale."I explained.

He scoffed,"Since when are fairytales not real?"

My eyes widened,"All fairytales are real?"

He chuckled,"You've got a lot to learn,love!"

I looked at Shadow and smiled,"Thank you for taking me here."Shadow nodded.

Peter put his hand on my shoulder and looked at Shadow,then back at me.Then he whispered,"Hey,Y/n."

I smiled,"Yes,Peter?"

He continued,"Look around you.Who do you think made this place like a fairytale again after so dark days?"

I looked around and back at him,"You?"I furrowed my brows in confusion.

He chuckled,"No,silly.You."he leaned closer,"And you know what?"

"What?"I smiled wider.

"I think you can change Neverland for the better.I think you can make Neverland a fairytale again.You can make me a fairytale again."his smirk grew wider.It almost seemed like he was planning something.Something big.

Oh the sweet lies grown ups say to children,to make them happy.So watch out kids.Because everyday is a challenge.A challenge meant for you.

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