Chapter 23

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Y/n's POV

After that dream,I needed some fresh air.Who knew having a dream could be so exhausting?I asked Pan to go for a walk.I thought he would disagree but,he said it was alright to go for a walk.I couldn't escape,so what's the use?

There I was,walking through Neverland and still,I thought it looked more alive than my mother had told mother.Regina Mills.Even the thought of her makes my eyes water.How could Pan make her die?

Staring into the green tree tops makes you wanna think about so many things.I can't even count them all!And you know what?I don't need to.I don't want to.Just looking at them makes you wanna start dreaming.

But not of nightmares.Of dreams.Simple dreams.Dreams like getting the thing you always wanted.Like the new book of your favorite writer.A new bike.That new skateboard you've been dreaming of.

And feeling the illusion of the forest,I completely forgot about the path and wandered somewhere into Neverland.I bumped into someone and I snapped back to reality.What I saw almost made my heart shatter into a million pieces.

I almost fainted.How could this happen?Fate,you have been very cruel to me..

I saw my friends and family.And yes,I do admit that they are my friends and family now.I'm living for an eternity on Neverland. It's about time,I start realizing things.

I whisper yelled at them,"What are you doing here?!You should be at home,where it's safe!"

But Emma answered me very simply:"We couldn't go home without you and you know that."

I looked at Snow and David:"You're her parents,tell her you have to go home!Please,convince her."I begged.

Emma put her hands on my upper arms:"Come with us."

But I pushed her away:"I can't go.Pan probably already knows you're here.He knows everything that happens on the island.Go.Home."I explained them.

But Emma crossed her arms stubbornly:"We're not leaving without you.Right guys?"she looked at the rest and they nodded their heads.

I sighed heavily:"Okay,but please please tell me,you didn't take Henry with you."

Snow furrowed her brows:"Of course,we didn't. He's at home,safe."

I sighed in relief:"Well,then there's one bright side on this whole situation."but then we heard rustling in a bush.Everyone took their fighting positions and took out their weapons.

We prepared for the worst.Which was Peter Pan,the Devil himself.

But out came something much worse.Something I didn't even think would come out.And out came bloody Henry Mills.

As I saw him,I thought I might faint.This all happened so fast and there was such a lack of confusion in my brain about all this situation.Why did they even have to come?!

But I couldn't faint!Pan would get them and most likely murder them!I can't let that happen!But I already feel week in my knees.And the next second,I'm surrounded by darkness.


I wake up to the sound of the sea right beside me.I stand up lazily and slowly start making out the figures standing around me.

Peter was looking at me.His eyes showed not anger,not sadness,something indescribable. That scared me a lot.

Maybe he was blinded by his inner demons.We all have our demons inside us.There's no denying.But his are the most powerful.And if you're not scared of them then, kid,you should be.

He teleported himself to me and held my chin up murmuring quietly,"Y/n,Y/n,Y/n..You've forgotten who you are."

I furrowed my brows and pulled away from his grip,"I know who I am."

But he slowly shook his head,"I'll tell you who you are."he teleproted himself to Emma,"You,are a bad daughter.You couldn't protect your family when they needed it the most.You,have failed them."he smirked at me.

But Emma shook her head,"Don't believe him,Y/n.You know the truth."

Snow interrupted,"You didn't fail us!You know that!"

But I wasn't even listening anymore.I'm a wreck."Peter."I whispered and sniffed,close to crying.

He teleported himself to me,"Yes,love?"

A tear rolled down my cheek,"Why don't you just kill me?"he stayed silent,I yelled,"Why don't you fucking kill me?!"

He slapped me.For the first time he actually slapped me and yelled at me,"You know I can't do that!"

I didn't care about the pain that went through my red cheek,through all that I've been through,this felt like nothing.

"Why?Because you care?Don't lie to yourself.Peter Pan doesn't care.Peter Pan doesn't love.Peter Pan just hates.And you know why I know this?"I asked,"Because I have seen the Devil,and he is you."

He didn't answer.For once he shut his mouth.I smirked at him being speechless,"You little,lonely Lost Boy."

"I killed Wendy."he smirked and I frowned.He dared to mention that?"I made you kill Regina.I burned your last memory of Regina."

He was making me feel mad.Me be mad.I tried to fight against it,but it wasn't working.He had his grip on me.Mentally.

And I panicked.I started attacking him with dark magic,but every hit I sent,he dodged it.This made me really mad.But knowing me,I can't handle this much anger.

And I just broke down and cried.Cried it all out.Again.Obviously,I have a lot to cry about and a lot to cry out.

He hugged me but I grabbed his throat and shook him screaming in a high-pitched voice:"You killed them!You killed them,you killer!"

Some Lost Boys pulled me away from their leader.But I was still screaming,"Let me at him!I'll rip you to shreds,you hear me?!"I screamed at him.

Peter laughed and pointed at me:"There's the flame!There's the fire!Oh God,I love you!"

That made me cry harder.Harder than ever before.

But we all know that no matter how much I'll scream and cry,no matter what I'll do.Lose my sanity or harm myself on purpose,

As long as I'm alive,this will keep going forever.

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