Chapter 24

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I wake up.I'm sweating,I'm shaking.I look around and what do I see?I'm in Peter Pan's bloody room.Again.

I sit up and hold my head,it hurts.My head is spinning and I hear a voice.The voice I hated so much.

"Hello,love."Pan smirked,leaning against a wall.

I remembered the events from yesterday..or was it today?I didn't care,I just remembered the memories.I jumped up and stomped to him:"Where are they?"I spoke through my gritted teeth.

"Tied up to a tree.They're alright."he pushed me off,"Soon they won't be,though."

"What do you mean?!You won't hurt them,I won't let you."I threatened him.

"Ah,you see,but you will.The Lost Boys and I won't let you stop me."he explained.

I was so worried,my head was pounding.What am I going to do?It's not going to be easy to fight all of them at once.Impossible even.

"But I do have a way."he smirked.

"What is it?"I looked up at him.

"You see,Y/n,I know it's hard.I perfectly know how it feels to be threatened.But the reason why I'm doing this is because I love you.Don't you see,you and Henry have the hearts of the truest believers.You share the same heart and I need one of yours.It's either you or Henry."he touched my cheek and caressed it,"But as you already know,I can't hurt you.I'm not capable of that.I love you.And because of that,I have to kill Henry."

I widened my eyes and pushed him,"No!I won't let you hurt him!I swear to God,if you touch him-"

"Stop lying to yourself,Y/n."he interrupted me,"You're weak and you know it."

I feel my eyes burning,I want to cry but I can't.I don't want to cry in front of him.But I'm desperate.I fought so much already.

"Please don't hurt him."I say as tears roll down my cheek,"Please don't."

He wiped my tears away,but I pulled further away from him,not wanting him to touch me.

"I don't have a choice,Y/n.I'm dying."he frowned.

"Then die for all I care!"I yelled,"Die and it'll be better for everyone!"

"Except me!"he yelled back at me as his eyes darkened,"And you will let me kill him."he pointed at me,"Because I will kill him,if it's the last thing I do."

"I won't!"I screamed at him.

"You will!Stop making it so hard for me!If you don't I swear I will choke you."he grabbed my throat and squeezed hard.

I couldn't breathe,""I whispered and looked at him,"P-please.."

His eyes softened and he let go of me.

I fell to the ground and breathed in deep breaths.When I was finally able to speak normally,I yelled,"You almost killed me!"

"I-I..I don't know what..I'm-"

"Don't you say it,Peter.Don't you bloody say it!"I yelled at him and teared up,"You say it but you don't mean it!What's the point?"

He was looking at me,staring down at me,"Get up."he ordered.

I slowly got up,"Get up!"he pulled me up.

"What's wrong with you?That hurts!"I yelled and pulled my hand away.

He growled at me,"This was all supposed to be easy.Take his heart out and leave him to die.And then you showed up.Your beautiful face,perfect personality,blocking everything!You're the one that's in my way of complete immortality and I need to get rid of you!"

I got a bit scared of him.But not that scared,I'm used to Pan.

"But I can't.Because I bloody love you and I can't physically hurt you!I'd never hurt you,Y/n!"

"Are you kidding me?!"I exploded,did he actually just say that?"You killed two people I loved the most in the world!And now you're saying you would never hurt me?!You would do anything to reach your goal!"I poked his chest with my finger.

"That's not true-"he started but I cut him off.

"Shut up!Just shut up!"I teared up again.

He paused and looked at me,"I won't hurt him."

I looked at him and he continued,"If.."

"If what?If what Peter?"I was very impatient.

He smirked,"Do anything I ask you to,take any offer I give you.Make my every will come true."he was staring at me.Making me feel a bit uncomfortable,"If you do all that,I won't harm Henry."

Any dumbest person would see that he's obviously lying.But I didn't.I was so blind,believing Peter Pan.That should be a sin.To believe Peter Pan.

"Swear to me.Right now."I demanded.Because if he doesn't,those are just words.And words are the most fragile thing in the world.

"I swear."he swore and smirked.

"To?"I crossed my arms,"No way am I letting you just swear."

He scoffed,"Darling,I don't swear to things.I just don't do that.In my opinion,it's quite stupid."

I looked him up and down with hatred,"Fine."I pushed out.

"So you agree?"he asked.I didn't know how to answer,I was scared.He reached out his hand,"Deal?"

I looked at his hand and back at him.Slowly and hesitantly,I grabbed his hand and shook it,"Deal."

Then I just walked out of his tent.And I didn't see what I should've seen.I made a big mistake not looking back because if I did,I would take my words back.

What I would've seen would have made me stop and go back.What I would've seen,would have explained it all.Peter Pan wouldn't make a deal about not hurting anyone.He would never.

What I would've seen,was two fingers crossed.

The Devil Within.(Peter Pan x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now