Heartbeat: A New Life

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Angel's POV

I awoke in the morning to the sound of my phone telling me it had a message on it. With my eyes still half closed, I leaned over the side of the bed and picked it up, opening it and placing it to my ear to hear the message. My eyes sprung open at the words of Carlisle message to me. I couldn't believe it. I truly couldn't. They had actually found a heart for me!

The second the message finished, I looked back over my shoulder in excitement to tell Jacob, but he wasn't there. I wondered where he had gone to and how long he had been gone for. My hand skimmed over his side of our bed and it was cold. He had obviously been gone for a while now. I sighed, wishing I knew where he was. He usually left me a note or something telling me where he was going and when he would be back, but I didn't see a thing.

I quickly got up and started to pack my things to go to the hospital. I couldn't believe how things were finally starting to look up for me. I was getting a second chance at life when I only had a few weeks, if not days left. It seemed to be since Jacob had come into my life, everything was better. He truly was the full moon in the middle of a midnight dark night.

When I had finished packing, Jacob still hadn't come back, so I picked my phone up and called Embry's number. I wanted to know where Jacob was so I could tell him the good news and I knew he would more than likely be with Embry or one of the others. He was either always with them, or with me or his family. I smiled at knowing just how much he cared for each and every one in his life. I hadn't ever met anyone like him before.

"Hello?" Embry answered in a low tone, which seemed really out of place for him. He was always smiling and playful like Jacob. He always had an enthusiastic tone to his voice. I felt like something wasn't quite right.

"Hey Embry, its Angel, I was just wondering if Jacob was there with you?" The line stayed quiet for a moment before he answered, which made me wonder.

"Ah, yeah he's here." The tone of his voice was off and half-hearted. My eyes narrowed slightly with wonder and worry at the same time.

"Is he okay?"

"He's fine Angel."

"Can you get him to call me, as soon as he can?"

"Sure. Are you okay?" Embry's tone once again had changed. I felt like he knew something was going on and I felt like there was something going on with Jacob. I was a little worried about him. 

I nodded into my phone and answered Embry's question. "Yes I'm fine. I just needed to tell Jacob something, that's all. See ya Embry."

"Oh, okay. Bye Angel."

I bit my lip, wishing I knew how to get in contact with Jacob as quickly as I could. I had to leave within the next five minutes. An idea came to my mind and I looked around the room for his phone. It seemed to be that he had taken it with him this time. He normally left it behind. I rang his number, but no one answered. I sighed in the middle of our bed and wrote him out a text message. 


They've found a new heart for me.  

Meet me at the hospital please or call me back as soon as you get this. 

Love you, Angel x

The second I pressed send, an odd thought came to my mind. I had been told years ago when I was little and first started to see people who had passed on, that what I could do was a gift of the heart. I wondered if once I had my new heart, if I still would have my gift. I really hoped I did. I enjoyed helping people with the people they had lost and giving them messages from loved ones. I smiled at the thought and stood to my feet, picked up my bags and ran downstairs and out of the house. I walked up to the La Push bus stop and waited for the bus. Thankfully it only took a couple of minutes and it was there for me.

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