Chapter 2

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"What are you doing here?" I said surprised. I tried to step back but was frozen in fear.

"I missed you, Mia.." he said sentimentally. His stare was unraveling. I got chills and I started remembering all the things that scared me about him, along with the threats and things he would tell me if I ever left.  

"You can't be here, you have to go." I said trying intimidate him. I start trying to step back but he quickly grabs my arm and pulls me with force towards him.

"" he says with a threatening voice. I knew he was quite bad but this was a whole other level of wrong. I felt so scared of him. 

"Let go of me, stop you're hurting me.. please." I said as I began whimpering. Tears began streaming down my eyes but It made no difference to him. 

"LET GO OF HER YOU ASSHOLE!" I heard as he was punched and thrown to the ground. Zayn lunges towards him,  gets up and puts me behind him.

"WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?" says Travis clearly angry. "YOU DON'T KNOW WHO YOU'RE MESSING WITH..."  Looking at him with eyes of complete hatred. 

"I'M HER FRIEND, YOU PRICK" Zayn says proudly and surely.


" Oh shut up, Travis. You cheated on me with Danielle. You wouldn't know the first thing about love" I say through my tears. "Shut the fuck up Mia, you don't know the first thing about this .. " He said coming to an abrupt stop.

What was he talking about?  This what? I then realized I have a grip on Zayn's arm.

"Excuse me is there something wrong here?" Says the security.

"We have a trespasser that is harassing my friend here.. he tried forcing her to leave with him." He says disgusted.

The security picked up Travis, who was punching and screaming, and as he was dragged away, he spits at Zayn and says "You're gonna wish you didn't do that!"

"Are you alright, Mia? Did he hurt you?" He says wrapping me into his arms while caressing my hair. I know he is only consoling me but my heart can't help but palpitate. 

I realize I'm more calmed and rarely crying now. Like just being in his arms feels like... magic. I push back and fix myself, I mean I barley know him but he just helped me from possibly getting hurt. I clear my voice and grab a water. 

"Can I walk you to your dorm? " he says as he composes himself realizing that I must've gotten caught in the moment.

"Yeah, I'd appreciate that." I said still quite startled.

As we walked to the dorm, he began asking me questions about Travis. "So, who is that jerk?" he said quite serious with his hands in his pocket. His hair was pretty ruffled and he seemed quite stressed.

" Travis, is my ex-boyfriend of 3 years, was you could say... your average asshole. He was quite known to others in school and I guess I felt all lucky to be truly wanted by a cute guy. I didn't wanna be followed by the the other guys that just wanted sex. Everything was great at first however he started being controlling and manipulative. His family is also involved into pretty deep stuff... They're quite dangerous. However the breaking point was when he cheated on me with my bestfriend in my own party. I walked into my room to find them fucking on my bed. What a great birthday party I had. He tried getting me back but I sent him a text breaking up with him 2 months ago when I left my home town. I did it abruptly out of fear because I didn't want him looking for me. I've been traveling so I never told him where I was but he has his ways.."

"Don't worry. I'm not afraid of a jerk like him... and after all you're my friend now." he said blushing. Those words made me feel better, I mean this felt like out of a story. He could've just gone by his day and not have helped when he heard the commotion. And they say chivalry is dead huh?

"Thank you Zayn. Really." I looked down and he picked up my head with such a delicate touch. Woah did he just do that? Maybe the night got the best of us. 

"Can I have your number?" he said with his adorable smirk. How can I say no to such a tender smile?

"Yeah!" I said blushing and trying to hide my smile.

We exchanged numbers and we went our ways. I looked back as I head towards my hall and can't help but realize how tall he is. I walked into the dorm smiling like an idiot. He was different from what I thought the guys here would be.. Are they all as sweet and charming? Look at me, Day one and I'm already crazy about him. "Calm down Mia" I told myself. I need to focus on what I came here to do.  I almost forgot about Travis when I realized he left me bruises on my arm.  I took a shower and couldn't help but trace the marks he left over my arms... just gave me a flashbacks of all the past times he did. I got out and rushed to my room... There's just something eerie of having open shower rooms for all the students. As soon as I finished my routine, I went to sleep because tomorrow was the first day of school. I was so nervous.. what if by tomorrow everyone knew? Would he tell anyone? Would I be the attention of the school again?

My morning was quick. I got up and took a shower and ate breakfast and soon I was out the door. Looking at my schedule, My first class was Calculus with Mrs.Gomez. I walk in only to be astonished . My God they all looked like models. "Hello class we have a new student to our campus and her name is Mia!" She said cheerfully. I waved back and got a few smiles back. 

"Mia, your partner in this class will  be...Diana." she points to this sexy, beautiful, perfect girl. She was stunning. She had blonde highlights with the deepest dimples on her face. Her shirt looked like it was about to pop of how tight it was on her huge chest. 

" Hey I'm Mia!" I said introducing myself.

"Hi." she said obviously too busy texting, various guys, as she opened each conversation. I took a quick glance and see 3 names. "Hmm, Harry, Liam and oh... Zayn." I think to myself... well there goes my chance.

"Hello, I'm Harry and I'm positive I've never seen you here. I would remember a beautiful girl like you." he said in a flirtatious way. He smirks as he flips his hair and smiles with the cutest dimples I've ever seen on a guy. His eyes literally glistened at me... oh man are all the guys here like this?

"Oh right I've never seen her here either, I didn't know they let girls like her here!" "I mean isn't like model material one of the requirements?"  Diana finally spoke up only because harry was talking to me, clearly just to flirt with him.

"Well this is the kind of girls we need.." " Humble, sweet and incredibly adorable" he said. His words had an effect on me and I couldn't help but blush.

"So what are you doing tonight, Harry?" she says leaning closer to him while twirling her hair. She lowers herself to him, hugging her chest together.

"I don't know depends on what Mia wants." he says with a smirk. "Can I have your number Mia? You know in case for homework or anything?..." I chuckled and sighed. "uh huh sure harry" I said laughing. I gave it to him because he seemed sweet so I thought why not.

The bell rang and I couldn't be happier. I had made a couple friends and was glad nothing had came up. I got up and picked up my stuff only to feel red. I felt a painful piercing stare behind me but I ignored it. Should I have?

Diana POV

"She's gonna pay for that. Who does she think she is coming into our territory like this." I thought to myself. No one is stealing Harry from me. 

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