Chapter Two: Oh, the Irony.

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       "Where do you want to go for coffee?" Petra started as they walked down the cracked sidewalk. 

       "What about that place we had last night," Levi shrugged, a smirk crept onto her lips. "What's with the smile?" 

       "Nothing, that sounds great," the smirk broke into a full on grin, "Oh! Hanji is having that Halloween party tonight, you should invite our waiter from last night." 

       "And why would I do that?" Levi sighed, "I don't even like going to parties, or Halloween for that matter." 

       "Why? Because you need friends Levi, you need someone to distract you from your obsession with the assassin," she groaned, "besides, he's cute. And despite the show you're putting on, we ll know you agree." She held the door open for him. 

       "That is not true," Levi argued, "and my obsession is my job, Petra. People are dying. This is a serious time, the assassin could be anywhere, it's not the time to play dress up at a party." 

       "You're too hard on yourself," they sat at a table against the window, "you've got to have a little bit of fun in your life." Levi's eyes fell on the door as Eren walked in the shop, "is that a blush?" Petra laughed, Levi shot her a death glare.

       "That's a ridiculous accusation," he sighed, "and it's hard to have fun in this line of work." He watched as Eren came over to their table.

      "Morning," he gave a smile, "What can I get you guys?" After everyone had ordered, he went into the back.

       "He's not cute," Levi crossed his arms over his chest. Petra let out another laugh.


       Technically speaking, he could end it right now, he stirred their coffees. He could feel the small vile of poison in his pocket. He placed a dollop of whip cream on the coffees, but that would be too simple. He wanted to have a little bit of fun. Eren smirked, carefully, he wrote out his number on the corner of a napkin and tucked it beneath Agent Levi's coffee. He had to make it fun. 

      Eren carried the tray out to their table, carefully placing the coffees down. "I didn't spill anything today," he gave a fake smile, which received laughs from the agents and a small smile from Levi. He was cute. He pushed the thought away, that was showing weakness. He turned away, but not before he watched Levi's cheeks burn red. Eren carried the tray back into the kitchen, his phone buzzed in his pocket. He pulled it out. Annie.

Unknown: Is it done?

He rolled his eyes in annoyance.

Eren: Not yet.

The response was near immediate.

Unknown: Well, hurry up. Time is valuable. This isn't a love game, Eren. Remember why you're doing this.

      He turned off his phone and shoved it into his pocket. "You alright?" Armin asked, looking worried. Eren smiled and gave a small shrug.

      "Just tired, and I think I might be catching something," he gave a cough for emphasis. Armin's expression turned sad.

      "Well, don't work yourself too hard," he gave a reassuring smile, "I gotta go tend to the customers. I hope you feel better." Eren nodded, as soon as Armin left Eren sighed. He was a good friend, if only he knew . . .

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

       He was sitting at the kitchen table, writing, when his phone buzzed. Eren picked it up, expecting another scolding.

Unknown:  Hey, is this Eren? It's Levi.

Eren: Yeah, It's me. I was starting to think you forgot.

      Eren found himself smiling, for some reason relieved that Levi had texted him. Something twisted in his stomach. He changed the contact name to Levi. He shrugged it off and smiled, well, this was going to be fun. 

Levi: Hey, I never really said sorry for snapping at you. 

Huh, he wasn't really expecting that. He got up and made his way to his bed, before responding. 

Eren: Don't worry about it, I've dealt with worse

He smiled to himself , there was an unsettling feeling in the pit of his stomach he couldn't quite figure out. He flopped down onto his bed. 

Levi: Well, how about I make it up to you by buying you dinner? I know it's last minute, but are you free tonight? I can pick you up at 7:00.

Eren stared at the screen in confusion. Was he just asked out on a date? By the cute guy he was supposed to kill? Him? He found himself beginning to blush. Wait, what? A date? 

Eren: That sounds great

Eren found himself grinning, but for what? He had to kill the guy anyways . . . But maybe he could wait just a little bit . . . A little bit never killed anyone, did it? He texted him his apartment number. 


He'd never been on an actual date before, what was he even supposed to wear? Eren felt like a teenager. He glanced over at the clock. It was already 4:00. He dialed Armin's number, unsure of who else to go to for advice. Figures, a murderer needing date advice. He hung up before the second ring. It's be too obvious, having Armin knowing he was going on a date, and then having him get murdered.

Eren took matters into his own hands, he rolled off his bed and trudged over to his wardrobe and pulled out a pair of black skinny jeans. Was that too casual? Maybe he should just cancel. Eren swore, he was going to kill him anyways, why did it matter what he was wearing? He threw the jeans onto his bed and checked his closet for a shirt.

After ten minutes of trying to find a nice shirt that fit, he settled for a soft green v neck and a blue, green plaid. He apparently also needed to go clothes shopping soon. After gathering his outfit, he trudged into the bathroom to shower.

He let the freezing water crash down on him, he turned up the heat and started plotting for tonight. This one would have to be special. It would be easy to poison him . . . But that goes against his signature, and what fun is that? Maybe he could manipulate him. 

Steam curled up throughout the room. When he was done showering, he turned off the water and wrapped a towel around himself. He stepped out of the tub and dried himself off. Being a cold blooded killer was hard, he thought to himself, now aggravated that he didn't know how to kill Levi. Eren got dressed and brushed his teeth. He ran his fingers through his tangled hair in an attempt to make it look nice. He left the bathroom to wait the remainder of time in the living room. He pulled on his shoes and sat down at the piano bench. He still had one hour to kill before Levi was to be there. 

L E V I 

He arrived fifteen minutes early to pick up Eren. He hadn't told anyone where he was going. He was about to knock on Eren's apartment door when he heard someone, most likely Eren, playing piano. Levi could feel his cheeks start to heat up, his heart sped up. He desperately tried to ignore the butterflies in his stomach. Part of him wanted to remain outside of Eren's door and listen to him play, but the other part told him to knock.

Levi raised his fist and rapped on the door. The music was abruptly silenced, and Levi could hear the sound of someone walking to the door. Eren opened the door, greeting him with a wide smile. The butterflies in Levi's stomach grew.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2016 ⏰

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