Chapter One: The Freedom Shop

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   They hid in the shadows, a metal gas mask covering their face, the lenses tinted. A hood connected to their vest covered their hair, a numerous amount of weapons strapped to their legs and hips with belts. Dark gloves covered their hands. The figure turned and disappeared into the shadows, Levi was about to chase after them when a hand grabbed his shoulder.

   "Levi, fall back," Petra whispered, "they're gone."

   "Damn it," he snapped, throwing his empty gun to the ground. He ran his fingers through his hair in frustration, "That was the closest we've been."

   "That's not all . . . Hanji found a corpse," she sucked in a breath, "he's not an officer like the others, he's a civilian. But killed the same way . . . Strangled by the piano wire and a bullet wound to the head . . ."


     Levi held the glass doors open for the others, Petra mumbled a small 'thank you,' before he let the door close. Hanji chose the table in the corner, the group filled into the small table. Hanji pushed up their glasses and gave a weak smile. 

   "We almost had him . . . We'll get him next time, Levi," Hanji's weak smile changed into a reassuring smile. Levi sighed.

   "We don't have a next time, don't you understand? This assassin will stop at nothing until he gets what he wants," he pulled out his small notebook, "and that's just the problem, we don't know what he wants."

    "Levi, Hanji is right, we'll get him. We just need to be patient," Petra smiled, he reluctantly tucked his notebook back in his jacket pocket. "Besides, you don't want to spoil dinner, do you?" Levi rolled his eyes and Hanji picked up a menu, their eyes shining. A waiter came up their table.

   "Hello, I'm Eren and I'll be waiting on you tonight," he beamed at them, he looked in his late twenties, with longer dark brown hair that hung into his eyes slightly. His eyes were large and emerald green. "What can I get you?" He was friendly, too friendly . . . Levi didn't like him.

   After they ordered their drinks, Levi turned back to the group. "There's something about him I don't like," Levi stated, "he's too friendly." Oluo sighed and leaned his head on his hands.

   "And there he goes, accusing everyone of being the allusive assassin," Petra elbowed him in the gut, he grunted and glared at her.

   "He is right though," she started, "You can't go around accusing everyone just because of something they do . . . Waiters get paid by tips, they get tips by being friendly."

   "Yeah, yeah, I don't need a lecture on waiters," he rolled his eyes, their waiter came back with all of their drinks, his foot got caught in a fold of the carpet and before they could move, all of the drinks crashed all over both Hanji and Levi, along with all of the floor. A blush rose on Eren's face.

   "I-I'm so sorry!" He quickly picked up the empty cups, "I'll be right back with napkins," he scurried into the back, leaving Levi fuming.

   "The brat did it on purpose," he muttered under his breath, Petra sighed.

   "He's only human Levi, people make mistakes, you have to learn to accept people and their mistakes. This job is making you cold." Levi remained silent as the waiter came back with rags to clean up the mess.

    "I'm sorry again," he glanced at the floor as he handed Hanji and Levi hand towels to dry off with, "it's all we have . . ."

     "It's fine, " Levi sighed, "just be more careful." Eren nodded and gave a small smile.

    " You guys can change your seats while I clean up this mess, and I can pay-"

    "It's alright, Eren," Petra smiled, he gave a small nod and finished cleaning up the mess.



    They had to be the agents from earlier.

    Eren gave a small smirk as he cleaned up the rest of the mess. . . Agent Levi . . . He stood up and tossed the wet rags into a bin, "I'll send Armin out to take your order while I take care of these," he nodded slightly before going into the back. "Hey Armin, would you mind taking care of that table for me?" the blonde nodded and went out into the dining area. Eren grabbed his bag and pulled out a small leather notebook and a red pen, he flipped to a clean page and across the middle wrote;


   After circling the name twice, he stuffed the book back into his bag, his fingertips came back red from the piano wire jammed in the bottom of his bag. He stood up and washed his hands, now all he had to do was wait.


    He was more than halfway home before someone grabbed his shoulder. "He-" He turned to find the orange haired agent from earlier. She released his shoulder and smiled. 

   "Hi, Eren," she started, "listen, I'd like to apologize for my colleague earlier, Levi . . . He's a good guy, I promise . . . He's just going through a hard time right now, we all are."

    "It's alright," Eren smiled in reassurance, "I understand, it was my fault anyway . . . For spilling everything all over him and your other friend."

     "There's not many people like you Eren . . . You're kind," she smiled at him once more, "I don't want to keep you any longer, oh, and I'm Petra, by the way."

      "It was very nice to meet you, Petra," Eren gave a small wave as they turned their separate ways. A smirk played along Eren's lips, Petra . . . Now he just needed to find a way to separate all of them. 

      Eren jammed the key in the lock of his door, he closed and locked the door behind him. He walked into his bedroom and flicked on the lights, he opened up his wardrobe and opened up his bag. He dumped the bloodied clothes in a bin to be washed, then hung up his weapons belt. He dropped the notebook onto his desk and pulled the bloodied wires out from the bottom. Turning on the water, he began washing the blood off of the cold wires. Petra's words echoed in his head, "You're kind."

     Oh, if you only knew.


HeY! So I haven't written anything in Forever and I was in the mood for assassins and thus, I made a new account for my anime fics and started one. OH. and a while back I saw fanart regarding Hanji's gender and tbh I love the idea of Hanji going by them/their pronouns:3 therefore, that is what it will be in this fanfic.  (My other account with PJO/HoO fics and originals is  Emilythegreatest oops) I will hopefully update this at least every week (Besides these next two weeks because I will be on vacation) (I'll try, school's starting in less than a month and I'll most likely lose my sanity). Anywho, vote, comment, do as you plea (I promise it will get better, this chapter kinda sucked )



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