The attack

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For my twin, Kristen, whom Ren is based off of.

Let me know what you guys think <3

Chapter Three:

The Attack

The sun had just disappeared behind the trees, as the bright moon rose in the sky. The baby blue sky was now growing darker and the sun that had once shone down, was now causing the world to turn in darkness. Bright glowing stars began to shine down instead upon the forest. A howl rang out in the distance, followed by a gun shot. Birds flew out of the forest in panic, another howl rang out before the girl woke, she was sitting near the edge of the forest sleeping. She jumped up quickly, throwing her blonde hair back, and listening carefully. Whispers, humans, she decided, there was fifteen of them heading towards the village, and they cared guns.

Someone was getting close to her, she froze took a smell, and relaxed when a tall man appeared. He was older than her, with long salt and pepper blonde hair, he had golden brown eyes. “Sister, the village is being attacked,” said the werewolf, angrily.

Ren looked up at the sky, “It's almost a new moon, Luther. Our people are weak around this time,” she said sadly. “What will father do?”

Luther, Ren's step brother looked at her with a grim expression, “I do not know, Ren. To be honest, I could give a damn. I say we strike back.”

Ren thought about it for a moment, looking at the older wolf. She frowned, “Our tribe goes against attacking humans. They will never approve of that,” she said. “We could get exiled.”

“We are defending ourselves, what are we supposed to do? Lay there and take it? Sister, we have to protect our people,” said Luther sternly. “Don't make me go in there alone.”

Luther turned and in the blink of an eye, her older brother had changed into his wolf form. He looked back at her with his furry eyes, paused before shaking his head, and headed into the forest toward the village. He was going to get killed or exiled from their tribe, Ren knew it wasn't going to be a good idea, and she knew nothing good was going to come of any of this. Luther, however, was right, she wasn't going to lay down and take the humans attacking her people, she was going to be there for them, like a princess should be.

“Father, forgive me!” demanded Ren, as she threw her head back, and howled. The princess could feel all of the tiny hairs on her body grow as her spine began to crack painfully. Her back legs began to bend and her feet became paws, her nails grew out and pointed. The most painful part was when the skull began to form. It felt like someone was pressing really hard into her skull forming it like clay. She let out another howl before she landed on all fours completely transformed. She growled showing her long pointed teeth, and heading in after her brother.

“Let no one leave here alive!” A woman called, as her best men ran into the village. She was tall with long curly brown hair that had been braided back. Her pale blue eyes looked around the village. Scars covered her face, they looked as if she had been cut open by knives continuously. She wore a dark brown leather coat over top of an army green tank and dark brown leather shorts. She held a 9 mm stainless black pistol, she held it at the ready, waiting.

A howl rang out, the woman smiled, “General!” one of the men called out. “Behind you!”

The general turned and shot before she could even see what was coming at her. The silver bullet cut threw the air quicker than anyone could see and right into the chest of the brown wolf. The wolf whimpered and fell to the ground on his way to his death bed.

The general smiled, and turned back to the boys, “Go!” she said in a pissed off tone. “What the hell are you waiting for?” she asked.

The men changed their pace and didn't look back. The general looked at the scene with a shit eating grin, this was what she was there for, this was the moment she had dreamed about. She watched as her men ran into the village, shouting. The villagers grabbed their children in panic.

In the distance, the general heard someone let out a howl. She turned looking through the woods, with narrow eyes. When she didn’t' see anything, she brought her attention back to the village.

A gray wolf came running at the men from the woods. He jumped over the wooden fence that surrounded the village, and onto someone's roof. He let out a howl before attacking her men. “Shot him!” the general called out.

One of the general's men raised up his pistol, pointed it straight at the wolf's chest. Before her could fire the gun, a white, pale yellow wolf came running in jumped up and lashed at the man's throat. The soldier fell back, blood gushing from his throat, as the wolf ripped out his jugular. He tried to call out but all that could be heard was the wolf's growling.

The general froze, as she stared into the eyes of the pale wolf. The wolf turned to her and growled. The general snapped out of it, pulled up her gun, “I finally have you,” she said with a smile as she pulled the trigger.

Ren froze, as she stared at the woman the men had called her general. She didn't thing it was possible, and a growl escaped her throat. The girl stared at her with her familiar pale blue eyes, as if she were a demon, but then again to humans her kind were demons. The general raised her gun, pointed it at Ren, whispered something then pulled the trigger.

The werwolf princess jumped quickly out of the way. She hunched down into her attack stance, she growled warningly. She ran at the general, her teeth showing angrily. The general fired again, missing her by inches. Ren jumped up and knocked the general to the ground with a grunt coming from the general.

“Ren!” a loud male voice came from the village. Everyone froze, including the general. Ren quickly stepped off of the woman and changed back into her human form, she turned and looked at her father shyly. The king was tall with long wavy gray blond hair and a long beard. His green eyes looked at her in anger, and she knew she was in for it.

Two guards, whom Ren had never met before stood behind her father. They wore crimson red and black leather jackets over a white t-shirt, and ripped and torn jeans. They looked at her differently, almost like they were amused by her, this made her angry.

“What is the meaning of this?” he asked with authority in his voice. He looked at the frozen soldiers in question, as if his voice had magically frozen them.

The general picked herself up, looked at the king, aimed and fired. One of he human soldiers ran out and tried to push the king out of the way, but instead ending up taking the shot, right in the arm. The general aimed once more and shot the king right below the heart.

Ren watched in shock. She turned to the general and growled angrily, she went to run after the general, as her and her men retreated out of the village. “Don't Ren,” her father gaped. “Leave them.”

For once, Ren listened to her father, and rushed to him. She felt a tear roll down her cheek, “Father,” she whispered.

Her father grabbed a hold of her hand, brought it down to him to kiss. He smiled sadly at her, “I love you kids,” he said dropping her hand. His eyes rolled back and his eye lids closed.

Ren looked at her father laying stiff on the floor, “He is dead,” she admitted to herslef. Anger replaced her sadness, she looked off into the distance where the humans had once been. She knew she could catch up to them if she wanted, but Luther came over.

“Let them go, Ren,” and she did, watching with angry eyes. She would get revenge, and that was a promise, one she didn't intend to break.

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