Unexpected Company

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Thanks all of you who have been reading, liking and fanning, here is the next chapter let me know what you guys think.

Cara looked out her bedroom window just as the moon began to rise. She frowned slightly, as she watched the night grow darker. Finally, she let the curtain fall infront of the window, and she walked over to her desk, grabbed her leather jacket, threw it on and headed out her door. Before she could turn to walk down the hall, Cara heard someone ask, "Going somewhere?"

Quickly, Cara turned and saw Caleb standing there. He had his arms crossed and a smug look on his face. He let his arms fall to his sides as he walked up to her, "Cara, what did you do?" he asked lightly. "King Leo is pissed."

Cara gave him a look, "Why do you care?" she asked, clearly annoyed.

"You don't get it do you? Not everything is always about you, you have a kingdom you should be running," he snapped. "Not running off every night, to meet god only knows."

Cara laughed, as she shook her head, "No, Caleb, I get it, you are the one that doesn't get it. I haven't been able to do something for just me in hundreds of years, you are living proof of that," said Cara pissed. She couldn't believe he had just said that to her.

Caleb watched her for a minute and frowned, "Then, where are you going?" he asked, again.

"Out," she responded, as she turned and walked away from her old friend. She sighed deeply in disappointment.

Caleb grabbed her arm and turned her back around, "Cara," he whispered. She looked up at him and for a second Cara thought he was going to kiss her. "I am sorry."

"Me too, Caleb," she whispered, pulling her arm away and she began to walk away again.

"Cara, we need to talk," Caleb said.

Shaking her head, Cara responded, while still walking down the hall, "Later, Caleb, I have people to see."

Cara arrived at the Marsh just as Ren did, she looked like she didn't sleep. She looked up at her, "Cara," she said frowning. "Luther was made Alpha today."

"My father wants to make a move," Cara said, getting the bad news out.

"Shit," Ren whispered.

"This just keeps getting better, and better," said Cara, taking a seat near a tree. She leaned against it, and Ren joined her, shaking her head.

Ren frowned, as she looked out at the marsh. She picked at the grass next to her, "We have to stop this, Cara," she said looking at the girl that should have been her enemy. "They almost did it last time, we can't let them do it, this time."

The wind blew, causing cara to pull her hair back. She sighed, "I know Ren, I really do. This chase is getting old, I wish they would just stay dead already," said the vampire princess, wishfully.

Ren sat there thoughtfully, "If only," she whispered. "So, when is your father going to make his move?" shed asked, still playing with the grass beside her.

"No clue," whispered Cara, honestly. "If I can help it, he won't. We have more important matters to attend to, I just hope he will listen. I am not sure he can put the fight behind him long enough for us to work together."

Ren shook her head, "I will have to talk to Luther," she said, just barely a whisper. "Cara, we will be screwed if it happens this time. We barely made it with our lives, last time."

Cara looked at her friend, "Our clans need each other, whether they want to admit it or not," she said. "We will make this work, we have to."

Leave. Ren's voice said in Cara's head, and instantly Cara froze. "Excuse me?" she asked shocked.

Ren froze when a man came into the clearing. He was tall with shaggy dark hair, with a scruffy bread. He had icy blue eyes that stared at Cara. Cara stood, with Ren, "Why did you follow me?" Ren snapped.

The man stepped forward, and before he could even speak, Cara pulled a dagger from her boot, and was at his throat. She stared down at him, "Who are you?" she hissed.

He laughed, grabbed her hand and brought it to his face, smelling it, "Vampire, good choice in friends, Ren," he said twisting Cara's hand back.

Cara looked at Ren, who wore a pissed off look. She pulled her hand way and punched the man in the jaw. "What did you hear?" she asked grabbing his throat again, and throwing him into a tree, but he only smiled.

He pushed her back and changed into a dark wolf, he growled at ehr. Cara laughed, not worried, "I will kill you," she said.

"I could have killed you already," said the stranger.

He lunged at her knocking Cara back. She slashed at him with her dagger catching his shoulder. He growled, agrily, as eh came running at her. Another wolf popped out of the forest and stood before Cara facing the other wolf.

Ren stepped forward, "Knock it off!" she demanded and both wolves stepped back into human form. THe one that was fighting with Cara laughed. The other was tall with short brown hair and hazel eyes. He was new, Cara could still smell the human on him, "Keep your new pet on a leash, Ren," the stranger said.

"Silas," Ren warned. "Why are you following me?" she asked.

Silas, the stranger, laughed once more, "I figured you would be coming out to meet someone, thought maybe it was a male lover," he frowned. "I guess I came across something bigger than a love affair, unless," he pointed at the two with a smile.

"Fuck you," Cara said.

Silas smiled, "If you want," he said jokingly.

"Silas, what do you want?" Ren asked, holding Cara back from hitting him again.

Silas smiled almost cutely, "Chill, Ren, I don't want anything, I am no rat," he said. "Though, in return for my silence, I want in on this, whatever it is you have going on."

"Why would you want in?" Cara asked angrily. "You don't even know what we are doing."

Silas moved closer to Cara and grinned, "I know alot more than you think, Princess Cara."

Caleb caughy Cara as she was walking in, he looked slightly nervous. Cara sighed angrily," What Caleb?" she asked as she threw her jacket on her chair. She turned to him, crossed her arms, and waited.

"I have to show you soumething," he said leaving the room.

Cara followed him in silence. After a few moments, Caleb stopped at the throne room doors. Without saying anything, Cara opened the doors. Her father was sitting on teh throne, with a girl standing before him. Cara froze, as the girl turned to look at her, "Hello, Cara," her curly hair layed on her shoulders, and her eyes string her down. The scars on her face made Cara frown, and look at Caleb.  "Nice to see you again, Princess," said Addi with mirth.

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