Chapter Forty-One: Family.

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Beth POV

My body was frozen as Naruto kneeled next to the limp Sasuke, his body unmoving, his eyes closed as if he were sleeping. Grabbing a kunai knife I threw it at Naruto, thinking he would see it and dart out of the way, revealing Sasuke to me. But he didn't. The knife embedded itself into his back, causing him to grimace in pain. He didn't turn immediately, preoccupied with something in relation to Sasuke. I needed him to move, I needed to see what I had done to Sasuke.

Finally turning to face me, I managed to get a glance at Sasuke. His chest moved up and down with a slow rhythm. He was alive. I thanked whatever deities I could before settling my gaze and attention on Naruto, his face beaming with rage.

"You could've killed him! Could've killed me! Have you really fallen that far Beth?!" Naruto screamed, his voice reaching a higher octave than expected. But no matter, I had come too far, too far to turn back. I had to finish what I started.

"I should've killed him." I lied. My tone shaky, losing its past confidence.

"Beth!" Naruto growled. Tilting his head up in frustration, Naruto yelled out in frustration, the sound echoing throughout the Valley, layering on top of itself. Turning his head back towards me, my mouth fell open slightly at the sight of Naruto's eyes. His eyes, usually a crystal blue much like my own, were now a blood orange, with black slits replacing his pupils. The Kyuubi.

I felt my heart beat faster, overwhelmed at the prospect of fighting against such a strong foe. The pressure weighing down on my shoulders was getting to me. There were so many different scenarios I had to avoid. I couldn't allow myself to get severely injured here, nor could I bear the thought of injuring Naruto to the point of no longer being able to pursue me. I couldn't reveal myself, couldn't run from the engagement, nor could I spend too much time here. I had to get to Orochimaru before Kakashi sensei arrived, and from the height of the sun, I didn't have long.

"You really think that you're little fox friend's going to help you win this fight?" I bluffed. "I have to say Naruto, I'm disappointed, I thought you'd be able to win a fight on your own. For once." I knew I shouldn't have pushed Naruto further, his rage already all consuming, but I couldn't allow him to think I was intimidated, that I was wavering in my resolve. I had to make him think I hated him, that I wanted to kill him.

Pushing down the barrier keeping my chakra levels balanced, I felt the power of the curse mark consume me. The marks began to spread over my skin, the black vines curling around my pale skin. But as quickly as they had spread, the vines began to expand, turning my skin a dark charcoal black. My hair changed to a bright white, growing down my back, doubling in length. Not wanting to allow a full transformation, I closed my eyes in concentration, pushing my body to cut off the rush of chakra flooding throughout my body from the curse mark. However the task was fruitless, before I could stop them, large wings began sprouting from the shoulder blades in my back, the pain of the evolution causing me to grimace. Although the process was similar to Sasuke in the original manga, my wings appeared completely different to his, they weren't hands, but instead wings made of a collection of glistening black feathers. Staring at the large thick feathers I was reminded of a raven, the shining ebony of the feathers reminiscent of the bird. Despite the angel-like nature of my wings, I looked like a demon. My teeth were otherwise the same with the exception of newly found fangs that were sharp against my bottom lip, their tips pricking at my skin. Looking down in the water I noticed my eyes were almost completely black, with the exception of the iris which was now a pale yellow. Like Orochimaru. I surmised. The thought making me sick.

"I'm pretty special too you know." I commented, regaining my focus. Naruto, unresponsive, was so fast, my eyes having trouble seeing him as he threw punch after punch, a frenzy of physical attacks. Each punch connected with ferocity, injuring me further than I cared to admit. Flying backwards away from my foe, I felt the oncoming bruises immediately forming on my skin, only further proving how far I'd pushed Naruto. If he was willing to use the full strength of the Nine Tails on me, it meant he'd almost completely lost control of his emotions.

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