Chapter Four: The Test.

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Beth POV

As dawn approached I felt excitement well up from inside me. Turning over to my side I gazed at the clock next to me, reading the hands point to the four and 6, 4:30 A.M. Swinging up and over the side of my bed I wondered into the bathroom and took a shower, the steam forming small water droplets on my skin even after I had finished. I dried my hair and tied it up in a high bun, making sure every strand was in its place. Walking back into my bedroom, I slipped on a pair of grey shorts, a dark green tank top, my leather weapons pouch, my sandals and my black cotton gloves.

Walking to my bedroom door I swung the charcoal coloured backpack I'd bought after my squads meeting with Kakashi sensei, over my shoulder and opened it before beginning to fill it with weaponry and educational scrolls. As I began to walk out of my room, ready to make myself a bowl of cereal, in the corner of my eye I gazed over the sword that had been left in my room when I had first arrived. The sword was beautiful, perfectly made for someone with my frame. It looked as though it would be a perfect addition to my arsenal, whomever bought it for me obviously knowing more about my fighting style then I did.

Without anymore hesitation, I grabbed the sword and hung it on my belt, the blade hanging a comfortable length down the side of my thigh. I assembled a quick bowl of cereal and scoffed it down within moments, satisfying my hunger before exiting my apartment and locking the door behind me. Turning away from my door, I noticed a familiar figure copying my same actions. Locking the door to his apartment, a cream coloured backpack hanging over his shoulder, a weapons pouch attached to his waist, was Sasuke.

"Morning" I said cheerfully, a smile on my face. He remained silent, eyeing me carefully up and down before resting his gaze upon my sword. "A gift." I began. "It was left in my apartment when I moved in." Sasuke turned, wordless and began his decent downstairs, his eyes straight ahead. I followed behind closely.

The streets were quiet, the only people out at the time being merchants who were setting up their shops for the day. Looking around I noticed a baker pulling out various kinds of delicious smelling breads and pastries from the oven. A florist placed the days fresh flowers in a small wagon out the front of her store, the sweet smell wafting towards me.

"Sasuke?" I asked, quietly. He didn't speak. "Sasuke?" I repeated louder, touching his shoulder gently to bring him to a halt. "Did I do something to make you hate me? Because every time we interact you've made a point of being suspicious and rude." Sasuke didn't answer straight away, his dark eyes staring down as if thinking of what to say.

"I don't hate you." He said finally, his voice calm.

"Then why do you act so hostile towards me? I mean, you don't even know me." I asked. At this he smirked, coming close and staring at me intently.

"I don't know. I can't explain it. However when I say I don't hate you it's because I haven't decided how I feel about you." Turning back towards the direction we needed to go to get to the training grounds, he finished his train of thought. "I definitely have an opinion of you. I just don't know what it is yet. Now come on." At that moment my opinion of Sasuke shifted. Every preconception I had about him was suddenly questionable. My curiosity had never been at such a high. However, knowing Sasuke, that was all the insight I'd get. So, despite my overwhelming urge to keep asking personal questions, I went against my instincts and dropped the conversation.

Sasuke and I arrived at the training grounds ten minutes later, arriving to witness Naruto and Sakura arguing. What about, I couldn't tell. Sakura's face instantly lightened when she spotted Sasuke, her pupils growing twice their size. Running over she tucked her arms behind her back and leaned forward, as if bowing.

"Sasuke! How are you today?" She greeted. Sasuke ignored Sakura, his eyes directed ahead looking over the training ground. Placing my backpack on the ground, Naruto came up to me, his voice booming with energy.

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