Chapter Three: Beth. Meet Kakashi.

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Beth POV

The sun was just setting when I finally found the apartment building the Hokage had arranged for me. Finding the correct apartment number, I checked under the door mat as instructed and found my new keys. Unlocking the door, I gasped at what I saw. Half-expecting an empty apartment, I was instead greeted by something completely different. Not only was the apartment furnished, but it was furnished expensively. The small kitchen was fitted with a new oven and microwave located next to a large white fridge filled with fresh food. Connected to the kitchen, was a comfortable living area, glass dining table and chairs. The floors were timber, shining under the bright ceiling lights. Shelves decorated the walls, holding up a multitude of books detailing each and every subject that a shinobi needed to know.

As I walked through a sliding door on the far side of the apartment I saw the bedroom, complete with a simple but comfortable bed, as well as gear necessary for any promising shinobi. More books and scrolls littered the shelves, as well as something else resting on the end of the bed frame. Another package. Bulky and thick. Ripping it open I peered inside to see a wallet, filled with a ton of cold, hard cash. The amount of money that would have lasted me years. Why had the Hokage done this?

Searching through the two other rooms of the apartment, I explored the bathroom joined out from the bedroom, and then another room. One that was just off of the living room. It wasn't so much as a room, but rather a very large closet. Opening it, I noticed a whole closet of clothes and intricate blades and equipment. Knives, shuriken, and other blades, but most importantly a long, perfectly crafted blade. The sword was thin, delicate, perfect for someone of my stature. It's hilt was perfect in my hand. I couldn't help but stare at the majesty of such a weapon.

Walking back into the living area, I realised there was another external door. Walking through it, I was lead out onto a small balcony overlooking the Village. A perfect vantage point.

Having one last check in the fridge, I realised I hadn't received any milk. With a smile I jumped at the opportunity to take another look around the markets I had passed on my way to the apartment building. Exiting and locking the door to my apartment, a few notes in my pocket, I walked back down the stairs of the building and made my way down the street to the markets. It didn't take long to find a carton of milk for purchase. Thanking the shopkeeper, I gingerly made my way back onto the street, taking in the fragrant smells of food stalls preparing their evening product.

As I reached my apartment door, I softly placed my carton of milk on the floor and began fiddling with my keys. Jiggling the doorknob, the door creaked open just as a familiar voice called out from behind me.

"You" The voice said, coming up behind me.

"I have a name." I replied turning to face the boy. Sasuke Uchiha. Standing in front of me with a blank expression. I should've expected as much from him.

"Obviously, however I don't know it, or you." His voice was calm and blunt. Almost as if uninterested in the interaction he had initiated.

"Beth. And you are?" I asked with slight distasteful tone to my voice.

"Sasuke Uchiha." My name is Sasuke Uchiha. I dislike a lot of things and don't particularly like anything. I don't have a dream because I will make it a– "Are you going to go inside your apartment or just stare at me all night?" He continued agitated.

"Stare at you? Unless its to pick out the fact that your hair defies physic laws, then no." Sasuke watched me intensely, his eyes burrowing.

"What?" He asked.

"Or perhaps you'd like to discuss the occupational issues associated with your outfit?"

"My what?"

"White shorts? However will you keep them clean on missions." Without another word, I turned around and stepped inside my apartment. Once inside, I swiftly closed the door behind me just quickly enough so that Sasuke would no longer continue to speak.

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