C h a p t e r T h r e e

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I wake up extra early this morning so that I can curl my hair. I don't usually try to look good for school. It's school for Christ's sake. Not next top model. I shower and slip on some skinny jeans and a Lilo and Stitch t-shirt. What? I love those movies!

I quickly curl my hair and go to wake up Bryce. After he gets up I tell him to go shower and get ready. While he gets ready I go to fix breakfast. No. We don't have a maid. Why you ask? Well I told my mom that she might as well shove it up her ass or I would fire her myself.

After I make pancakes with strawberries I go to get Bryce. I walk to his room and almost collide with him.

" sorry buddy. Let's go eat breakfast. " I say as I ruffle his hair.

After we eat breakfast I take him to school and go to get Kit.

" Hey babe. Damn you look hot today.!!! " she says as she gets in

" Haha thanks girl. You don't look to bad yourself ".

We drive to school and go to our lockers.

"God I hate school " she complains " like seriously. Why do we have to come here. "

The bell rings and we head off to our classes. As I walk down the halls I see Grey walking towards me quickly. I turn around and start speed walking to the front doors. Of course he's faster. These assholes part like the red sea for him. My speed walk turns to a run as I head towards the school doors.

I get outside and stop to take a breath under the shade tree.

" Why are you running from me? " I hear from behind me.

I scream and jump to look at the voice. I see a very handsome Grey looking at me with beautiful blue eyes.

" I-im not. I was j-just um " I look around for my excuse " looking for my purse. Yeah that's what I was doing. "

He looks at me strangely as if I've grown three heads.

" Hehe okaaayyy?" He says as an amused look takes over his confused look. " Well. Looks like you're late to class little one " he continues with a sly look on his face.

I look at my phone and mentally slap myself for letting this happen.

" Mother fucker. I'm gonna get detention!!!!!! " I yell as I pace back and forth.

" babe chill it's just detention. " he says as he grabs my wrist to stop me

I yank my arm away. And keep on pacing.

" First of all, don't call me babe. Second of all, dont touch me. And third of all, YOU DONT GET IT!!! " I raise my voice higher throughout my rant. I don't realize how close I've gotten until I calm down.

I'm in his face as he looks at me amused.

" Well I think you secretly like my touch. And I bet it gets even better when I call you babe. " he says as he puts his hands on my waste.

I'm not gonna lie. I melted. The way he called me that just set a zoo loose in my stomach. And I hated that he had this affect on me. Although I would like to hear him say my name. I bet it sounds beaut- WHAT THE FUCK AM I THINKING!?!?! Ugh this is bad.

"N-no. I don't " I say trying to get out of his hold. " I-i gotta go... " I trail off and go to step around him.

" ah-ah-aaahhhh baby doll. Not so fast. You don't go that way." He says as he steps in front of me.

I look at him confused.

"What do you mean? I'm going to my truck. " I say slowly.

" And my car is this way. " he points in a different direction and looks at me expectantly. " You coming? "

" I can't. I have to pick up my little brother after school. I think I'll just go home. I'm tired anyway. " I say and go to turn around but his voice stops me.

" Why don't you just come have some fun with me. "

I swear my heart stopped...



A/N----Pppppsssstttt hey you. Guess what. I don't know what to type down here. Lol whatevs. Bye falishas. Thanks for reading.

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