C h a p t e r F o u r

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" No. No. I can't. "  I tried to reason.

" Yes. Yes you can. " he said coming closer. " Come on sweetheart. Just one day. "

" Would you stop calling me nicknames. It's distracting. Plus I have a name. " I said crossing my arms.

He arched an eyebrow in curiosity.

" And what would that be? " he asked.

"Cameron. And yours would beee?" I acted dumb so he wouldn't think I was creepy. I mean how unattractive would that be. ' hi I'm Cam. You're Grey. I know that cuz imma mother fucking  stalker. '. No. Just no. That's not how this works. That's not how any of this works.

"The names Grey. " he smirked. God dammit that was sexy. Wait what? "I bet you already knew that though. Everybody does. "

And his COCKiness returns. Extra heavy on the cock. Get it? Cause he might have a big dick. No? Okay, carry on.

"Is your head okay?" I ask with concern.

"Yeah why? " he asks worried. Patting his hair and face.

" I dunno. I just thought your head was gong to explode from how big it is. For real. You have a rather large ego. " I said with pride. What? I'm proud of that joke!

An evil smirk came on his face. I got worried. Who wouldn't? I've read the books. I know you have too. Somethings about to happen I can feel it. 

As he gets closer to me I get farther. I back all the way into a tree. For fucks sake. What is my deal?!?! 

His mouth gets closer to my ear until his breath fans my neck.

"I bet you can imagine what else is rather large. "

I freeze. What do I do? What do I do? Shit I'm fucking screwed!!!! Um think Cam think. Kiss him. What? Kiss him! Okay I guess so.

I stare at him for a little bit longer hoping he'll let me go. His eyes dart down to my lips and linger there before staring back up into my eyes.

Before I could say ' yo get the fuck off me ' he smashes his lips onto mine. I'm shocked for a second before I finally kiss back.

Wow. Mmmm just wow. Let me just tell you something. If you ever want a good kiss. Call this guy * wink wink* Just kidding. Stay away.

Realization finally struck me and I pulled back. Grey Dawson just kissed me. I just had my first kiss. Grey Dawson just took my first kiss. Dad gummit. Well doesn't this just stink. Maybe.

"So you coming with? " he says as he walks backwards towards the parking lot.

"Um yeah. Uh. I-I'll be. Yeah." What the hell is my deal???

I quickly follow after him to his car. Oh. My. Mother fucking. Nu-uh. He doesn't.

"Please tell me this is yours." I say as I slide my fingers across the hood of his car.

"You like it?" He asks

"No. " I say and he looks disappointed. " I fucking love it!!!! I can't belive you have a 2014 Chevrolet Corvette Stingray. Oh my gosh. It's beautiful!!!" His face immediately lights up and he owns a proud smile.

"Know a little bit about cars huh?" He says with raised eyebrows.

I feel my cheeks heat up and I look down at my feet as if they are the most interesting thing ever.

"Well..." He trails off.

I look up at him confused. "Well what?"

"Lemme hear what ya know about my baby" he says patting the roof.

"Well uh," I clear my throat " The 2014 Chevrolet Corvette Stingray is a 2-door, 2-seat Coupe, available in 4 trims, ranging from the Base Coupe to the Z51 Convertible. Upon introduction, the $53,000 Base Coupe is equipped with a standard 6.2L, 8-cylinder, engine that achieves 17-mpg in the city and 29-mpg on the highway. a Manual transmission is standard tho. The $62,000 Z51 Convertible is equipped with a standard 6.2L, 8-cylinder, engine that achieves 17-mpg in the city and 29-mpg on the highway as well. a Manual transmission is standard. Again........ Yeah um that's all I know. "

Ugh now he'll think I'm a freak. This is why I have two friends. Well they don't know about this but whatevs.

"Wow. Cameron. That's." Uh oh. Here it comes. "That was amazing. How do you know so much about cars!! " he yelled excitedly. Um what?

"Well when my parents told me that I was getting a car, I went online and researched different ones to find the best. Nerdy right?" I said sheepishly

"Um. No. Cameron that was probably the hottest thing ever. You seriously just went from a hot rate of ten to a one hundred. Say that to any guy and they'll bang you instantly. You know what? Never mind. Keep this between you and me. "He said strictly.

We eventually got into his car. He drove us to this cute little diner. Just kidding this isn't a little fairytale. He asked what I wanted and I said McDonald's.

"You're gonna have to let me drive your car. " I said as we walked to order our food. 

"Only if you win". He said slyly.

"Win what?"I asked

"My game" he answered

Uh oh.


Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha I suck at writing lol 😩😂😘

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