C h a p t e r S i x t e e n

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Arriving at the froyo shop I immediately spotted Grey's car and with his came two good looking Mustangs twinning next to his. 

"Lets park next to Alec and Troy." Kit suggested pointing out Troy's Jeep.

I pulled into the vacant space next to him and got out, opening the backseat to unbuckle the kids.

We headed towards the doors and once the gang saw us they followed suit and came with us.  I felt an arm drape over my shoulders and looked up to see Grey.

"Sup dude." I greeted.

"Hey babe" he smirked and i looked at confused as ever.

"Babe? What the fuck Grey? What do you mean by 'Babe'?" I questioned.

"I don't know. I guess I just do what I want and I want to call you babe so I did." he laughed giving me a cheeky grin.

"Whatever you say boo boo but I don't do nicknames so if that sticks I'll think of a worse one" I winked and patted his chest walking away to order mine and the children's froyo.

After putting in the orders Grey whips in front, ordered his, and paid for it all.

"What the fuck?" I asked astonished. "Why'd you do that? You don't have to pay for us. I'm willing and able to do it myself."

"Because hot stuff, when we go on dates, I always pay for it" he gave me a signature wink and handed out the yogurt the pulled me to our groups table by the hand.

"You're so fucking cliché Grey." I mumbled rolling my eyes.

He gasped putting his hand over his heart acting as if he actually had feelings. "You wound me Ronny. You really do."

"Okay Dawson, we can play this game. So nicknames are your thing? I can play too!" I smirked at him in triumph and pulled out a chair and sat next to the kids as he pulled out the chair next to me.

"NO. No. No. No and just plain no. I won't call you that. Just please I beg of you don't call me by your last name."

"Um, Grey? I called you by your last name... not mine?"

He took a bite of his froyo and turned to me "Nah babe it'll be yours one day so you should go ahead and get used to it." With a wink he took another bite.

I felt heat creep up my neck up to my ears and knew I was blushing crimson red.

"Y- yeah? Well your- you're just gross and- and you should just get used to THAT asshole." I stumbled over my words and shoveled the creamy delicious froyo into my mouth spon after spoon in embarrasment.

"Dont be embarrassed sweetheart" he smirked as he put his arm around me and pulled me to him. I rolled my eyes and turned to the kids and started a conversation with them.

"Does that mean that you and silver are enraged?" Amanda looked at me with questioning eyes.

"It's 'engaged' sweetie" Kit chimed in patting Amanda's back.

"Also, we're not engaged. And quite frankly, I doubt we ever will be." Grey scoffed next to me and I shrugged "I don't know what you want from me. I just can't please you."

"I mean you could, just preferably not here; but whatever you want babe." he stood up and started unbuttoning his jeans.

I smacked his hand and buttoned his pants back up, shock written all over my face. "I absolutely CAN NOT believe that you just did that in public.

"You asked for it. Not m-"

"I DID NO- I did not ask you in any way, shape, or form for you to fuck me in the ducking froyo shop dammit!" i harshly whispered at him though everyone at the table was listening to the argument.

"No need for hostility little Cameron." Grey chuckled.

"No need for hostility? No need for- You know what? My house. I'm done here. Let's go guys." I patted Alec and Troy on the shoulders as I passed them with Kit and the kids, leaving the rest of the guys at the table. "Destiny? Lena? Are you guys coming?" Both girls nodded amd we headed out of the shop. Since the girls rode with their boyfriends we had to make due and that meant having Destiny ride in between the kids seats, and Lena sitting in the floor board at Kit's feet so no cops would see her. She's pretty tiny so it wasn't that difficult. With everyone situated and safeish, we headed back to my place.


Hey guys I'm baaaaccckkk. Yeah I know, I'm a shitty person and "author" but you know how it goes... Lol sahry doods. Love everyone that has stuck with this crap book . Vote and ocomment pleeeaaase. Until next time.... P.S. Picture of Cameron's Bentley to the top or right I'm not sure if I mentioned a color but it's red now if so. Much love boo boos.

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