Chapter Three: College

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Chapter Three: College

My first class is Human Sexuality, I push my way inside the cold Form Hall doors, and the class has only filled a few of the seats, making it easy for me to choose mine. I sit in the middle of the front row close enough to the teacher's desk that I can see everything. My teacher has a large barreled chest, white hair, small squinted blue eyes that hide behind a pair of glasses, and is wearing a full brown suite.

"Hey there!" I hear as Joey takes the seat next to mine on the left. I had almost forgotten that I was going to be seeing him today... in all three of my classes.

"Hi." I reply taken aback.

"How have you been?" He asks, twisting his body till he is facing me completely.

"I've been pretty good, and yourself?"

"Oh, you know... I'm living it up." He replies with a wink.

"Good to hear." I congratulate as I see our teacher stand.

"Everyone take a sit and remember to get your text books after class if you have not already. You all will be needing them. As for today we are just going to be going over the syllabus. I have printed out a handout for each of you, and it will be available online after tonight. Everything I write on the black board is for you to write as well- all of school year." Mr. Smith announces.

I take out my camouflage notebook and begin writing. The handouts come around to me quickly, I take one looking at the first page, it is six pages long, so it is safe to assume we will be having a lot to keep us busy all of the school semester, and most of them are presentations.

"This is going to be a very long class, I can tell." Joey grumbles.

I nod a silent 'yes' giggling. Our teacher turns to look at me and I nearly swallow my tongue. He smiles wickedly at me and continues. Something about already attracting the wrong kind of attention from my teacher makes me want to squirm. Joey winks at me not helping my situation.


My first class finally has ended making me feel a sense of relief. Being away from my teachers beady little eyes is finally settling my stomach. Joey and I walk out to the court yard for some snacks before our next class. We take a seat on the grass and fill our stomachs with greasy potato chips and soda pops. He continues talking to me about already having the book on his phone with no need to worry about buying it.

I can't help, but glance at his strained muscular calves. He is still very attractive. I catch myself biting down on my bottom lip and force myself to look away from him. We hear a loud buzzer to remind students there is five minutes before some classes may begin. Joey and I spend the rest of our time chatting about our past in high school.


Our Biology class went by in a blur. I was too focused on Joey to even understand what my teacher was saying. He kept asking me questions about my life and what all has changed about me. I'm now realizing it is going to be impossible for us to be in school together. He is going to need to learn when the right time to socialize is.

The coffee bar just down the street from campus, is a lively little hole in the wall, all the kids after school leave to get some food and relax. I thankfully was able to ditch Joey and come on my own to meet some of my girlfriends from high school.

Twisting open the large wooden doors, I see Crystal seated with, Rebeca, Jasmine, and Sarah. I squeal with excitement. It's time for catching up on our social hour. I pull the metal chair out taking a seat smiling widely.

"How are you ladies?" I ask.

"Starting with me, I'm doing great just got my boating company sponsored!" Jasmine exclaims.

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