Chapter 17- trouble

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Chapter 17- trouble

Chapter17- Trouble


I was nervous as he'll about what I'm about to I know I'm only doing this to keep her safe but this is real scary because we are running from his from this real crazy guy because he wants me to kill my best friend just because he couldn't have her mother so he probably killed her too. Shit man I don't know but all I do know is I'm not gonna kill her. I don't have that in me to kill somebody so I got in touch with Chris and told him what's going on and he agreed to help me. I think he likes Layla more then he's saying but he's got nothing to worry about because I gotta a better chance with her anyway. We got history together. I remember it like it was yesterday we were in the 3rd grade and we both didn't get any valentines and we made a pact that we would always love each other.

I know it sounds corny but that's what we said and I we said when we are both 70 we would get married to each other if we both are still alone. Anyway let me get back to this song I'm about to put out cackle we made it. It's gonna be a smash I know it. I finished up the last of it and left for the day to go home and pack. I got home and went to the kitchen for some soda. Then I started to pack and I got a call from an unknown number and he said tomorrow you will kill Layla and if you don't I will kill your mom and don't think I won't do it because she's right here and I heard her voice in the background don't fuck up he said and he hung up the phone. After that I got my stuff and headed to my plane and off to Bora Bora to get Layla. I got to the plane at 2:40 pm and we took off. It was about a six hour flight from Atlanta. I looked out the window and played some games on my phone until I arrived there. Six hours laterI stepped off the plane and was greeted by Chris and Layla who were all so snuggled up together in the airport. I found that weird but I didn't think nothing of it. So I walked up to them and they seen me and looked up and said hey. I said hey back and said Layla are you ready to go? Yeah she said and she kissed chris goodbye and we left. We got back on the plane and I just started asking her mad questions about her and Chris. So what's going on with you to? I asked her. What's going on with who? She said. Don't play dumb you and Chris? I answered her. Oh it's nothing we are just friends she said. You guys looked more then friends when I walked in the airport I said. There's nothing going on between us she said. I bet there isn't I said side eyeing her. Whatever so we are going? We are going to Trinidad I said. Yay I never been. Great because I haven't either, it's going to be fun. First we need a rematch of the game of spit that you cheated on I said while pulling out my cards and shuffling them. If you insist but I one that fair and square she said. You cheated and lets get started I said while dealing out the cards to us. Just watch and learn she said and we began playing the game. I beat her five games in a row until we got off the plane. We got off and it was already night time and we got in the car waiting for us and it took us to the house. When we got there Layla was sleep so I carried her inside and put her in the room. I went to my room and took a shower. After the shower I checked my phone and I got a bunch of unknown messages from and unknown number saying you're not slick and stuff. I'm gonna find you and blah blah blah. I throw my phone out the window into the ocean and pulled out my other phone. I figured he would say that but it's only been a day. I put a pair of boxers on got in the bed and fell asleep. The next dayI woke up to the sun beaming threw the window. It was a nice sight to see. I went to see if Layla was awake and she was. She sitting on the couch eating cereal. Lemme get some I said to her as I sat down next to her on the couch. No go get your own she said. Nope gimme some and I snatched the spoon from her and took a spoonful of cereal and swallowed it. Ha I said and she said hey that's not funny!. Yes it is I said and she finished up the rest of the cereal. Then started beating me up. That's for eating my cereal and I grabbed her arms to stop her and took her hands and tied them together with the scarf she had on her head was now on her hands. Then I went to go make myself a bagel. I watched as she tried to get up while her hands were tied together. It was funny and I laughed. Then I went to my room clothes so I can change into after my shower. I went to the bathroom and took my shower and when I went to pour soap on my washcloth toothpaste came out. How did she do that? Oh fuck it I'll just use her soap it was all lilac smell and stuff. If I smell like flowers I could pull more bitches. I got cleaned then put on my clothes and went to see what Layla was doing. Aye pastie you ready to go? Yeah she said and got up and we headed outside. Aye you smell like me? She said while we were walking to the car. Yeah well what do you expect after you put toothpaste in my soap I told her. Oh well you still could of used it she said. You're crazy so where should we go first? I asked her. How about shopping I wanna spend your money? She said don't you got your own money to spend? I asked her. Yeah but the first rule of money is to never spend your own she said. Alright but you're only getting fifty bucks to spend then I told her. Cheapskate she called me. It takes one to know one I said right back. Whatever man that's why you look like a deformed whale. Well then you look like my deformed whale sister. No I don't that's why your momma threw up when she had you because you were so ugly. Whatever man your mom is crazy. No she's not she said real mad. Yes she is that's why we are on this trip so we can get away from the man that killed her and she gasped.

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