Fallen Angel (a song)

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At your feet you see what was once a beautiful girl

Now she has fallen from the cloud she loved

The wings, once whiter than snow, blackened with the saddness and pain

*Pulled from the cloud forever engulfed in pain

The wings turned black and halo gone

The fallen angel is what stands before you*

Her beauty contorted by her misery

She looks as though she doesn't understand what she's become

*Pulled off her cloud by the halo

The wings she carries as a reminder, blackened as the halo dissapears

The fallen angel is what stands before you*

Torn to pieces by the fires of hell

She tries to escape

While the fires turn her forever black

She leaves in the thoughts of her own misery and pain

*Pulled from the cloud forever in her torment

Her wings are black with self shame

She is the fallen angel that stands before you*

Spoken: The fallen angel is here hun

Its time to take you:

Pulled, pushed, strangeled, thrown from PARIDISE

*Pulled from the cloud by her halo

What is this beauty that fell right before your eyes

The fallen angel is what stands before you*

I am the fallen angel ready to take you.

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