Chapter 11

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I'm back from Spain! So now you guys are gonna get a new update. I hope you enjoy. Bye guys.

XXX - ThatRandomGirl

Samantha's POV

I was still staying at the West house but I was now sharing a room with Iris. She said she would love to have some other company than Barry and her father. I can understand that. Sometimes Steve can be a little annoying. For example, when I was half an hour later home than I said I would be he checked on me every five minutes until I said that I would stop his moving if he didn't leave me alone. He obeyed without another word and I was finally able to sleep. Anyway back to the present.

Me and Barry were currently at CC Jitters to take Iris with us for a uhm... 'special' ride. "Welcome at Jitters how can I help you?" Iris says in a monotone voice not even bothering to look at us. "Well I would want a medium black coffee." I say casually. Iris' had jerks up and grins at us. "Hey guys. Medium black coffee coming right at you. Thank you for coming to Jitters." She says and after a few seconds I have my coffee. "My shift is over in five so you can take a table inside or go sit at the bench outside." She says. "We'll be outside." Barry says while smiling at his friend.

After five minutes of just talking and laughing at Barry's silly jokes Iris had joined us. "So what are you guys here for?" Iris asks. "We wanted to take you for a special ride." I say while grinning mischievously. "Will I like this?" Iris asks. "You will absolutely love it." I say. "Okay. I'm gonna trust you." She says. "She wouldn't tell me too." Barry says. "Well first of we have to go outside the city. No one is supposed to see us." I explain and they nod. "Alright let's grab a cab to the edge of the city." Barry says. "Alright." I say and hail a cab.

Once we were on the edge of the city my plan began. "Alright. Who wants to go first?" I ask them. "Iris." Barry quickly says. Iris shoots daggers at him but he just looks at the ground. "Okay I need you to hold onto me very tightly. Otherwise you will fall." I explain. Her arms go around my waist tightly. "What do you mean fall?" She asks. "You'll find out soon enough." And with that I begin to fly.

After a couple of minutes of flying and landing on a few abandoned buildings me and Iris are back on the ground. "That was awesome!" Iris almost yells. "Geez women-" I begin but I get cut off. "Yes, yes we know. 'You don't want to be deaf just yet'." Iris says. I huff in annoyance. "Don't cut off my catchfrase." I say. "Your turn Barry. Remember. Hold on tightly. We don't want a dead Barry Allen." I joke. He slowly walks towards me and puts his arms around my waist very tightly. "Hold on." I say and we get up into the sky. I land on an abandoned wearhouse and look around. "I can never get enough of that." I say. "I can see why." Barry says while standing directly behind me. "So. What do you think about flying?" I ask him acting as if I don't know he's right behind me. "It's amazing." He says. "I knew that you would think that." I say to him. Then I see thunder. Must be Thor. I think to myself. "Hey I'm going to bring you back to Iris. I have to check something out." I say to Barry. He nods and we fly back. "Hey Iris. I have to check something out. Don't worry if I'm not back for a few hours. I will be fine." I say and I instantly fly to where I saw the thunder come down. I transform my clothes into the skin-thight suit and put on the mask.

After a minute or two I'm there and see Thor standing there. "Hey Thor! How are you?" I ask him while landing on my feet. He turns around and gives me a bone-crushing hug. "Hello Lady Samantha! I am good. How are you?" He says and pulls away from the hug. "I'm amazing Thor." I say with a huge smile on my face. "So what are you here for?" I ask him. "Ah yes. I have to take you to Asgard. The All-Father wishes to speak with you." Thor says and I frown. "Couldn't he come himself?" I ask. "The All-Father wishes to speak with you on Asgard." Thor says. "Alright." I say. It's a good thing I told Barry and Iris to not worry if I'm gone for a while. I think to myself. "Heimdall!" Thor booms and we are flying through space again. I quickly transform into my dress and make a headband from the mask. I quickly put it on my head and there we are again.
At Asgard.

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