Chapter 26

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To Love Again | Sequel to Saranghae
Chapter 26
Kiss and Cry

"Luhan, why are you even here again?" I asked after he had insulted every single thing in my apartment. He turned back with a smile.

"Cause I love my little mei mei. " he said cheekily. I glared in response.

"The door is over there." I pointed out. He scoffed.

"Is that any way to treat a guest? And the only one that will fly overseas to see you?" He asked. I huffed. Well that hurt. Not even Dae will come here.

"Do you have to be so vicious?" I asked. Baka was laid on the couch. Her head fitted so cutely on her paws. She looked up occasionally with her puppy eyes.

"We're Chinese, you should be adjusted to our bluntness. " he said as he plopped down next to the dog. He picked her up and smiled. "Aiyah, you're so big. " he turned towards me. "What do you feed her? She's a fatty."

I glared. "Stop judging my dog. "

"Stop judging my life. " he responded with the tilt of his head.

"Can't. " I faked a smile. He sneered. He went back to playing with Baka.

"So how many more months until you're free?" He asked. I sat down next to him.

"4 more months. " I replied. "Hopefully anyway, I don't know how it is back in Kimchi village. " Luhan bursted out laughing.

"And what? China is Eggroll land?" He asked. I pushed his head to the side.

"Eggrolls, udon, fried rice. " I smiled. He chuckled. He swiped his hand through his brown hair.

"I don't understand why you didn't just come to China." He huffed. "We could have been hanging out everyday. " he sighed.

"I would have killed myself. You're too annoying." I replied. He rolled his eyes.

"So can we go out to eat or what?" He asked.

"As long as you're paying. " I replied. He scoffed.

"I knew you were just using me for my money. And here I thought you were sitting on gold." He said while standing up. I laughed.

"Oh I am, I am. Got daddy's company, all the money from being an idol, all my scandals." I counted them out on my fingers. "I'm so much better than some little china princess. " I cocked an eyebrow challenging him.

"Then cause you're so butch, you must be a prince. " he said and my jaw dropped. "Come on, Oppa!" He said like a little girl. I smacked him.

Three days later we were spotted. We were in Boston getting a bite. Then we looked out the window when we heard a bunch of yelling.

There was cameras everywhere.

"Fuck my life. " Luhan muttered.

"I just wanted to go out for one meal. " I huffed. I brought my eyes around, other people were now turned to us. Wondering who we were. "Let's go. " I muttered.

"I'll get this wrapped up. " he sighed. I gave him a look.

"Hey, you can't cook how do you expect us to eat there?" He said with narrowed eyes. I pinched the bridge of my nose.

"Luhan, if we weren't in public right now, I'd slap you so hard." Luhan placed a kinky looking smile on his features.

"Is that what you do to Leo?" He asked. I hate him. Luhan grabbed my arm when we came downstairs. The people that owned the restaurant were fighting the reporters. Then the questions came.

"Luhan, what are you doing out of China?"

"What are you doing with Jessie?"

"Jessie, what can you say about your hiatus? When are you coming back to Korea?"

There was one question that stopped me in my tracks. "Jessie, what can you say about your boyfriend, Jung Taekwoon, getting close to Apink's Bomi?"

Apink? Bomi?

I turned back. Luhan stopped walking on my account. "Jess, let's go." He whispered to me. He tugged my arm along but I placed my hand on his arm. I turned back to the reporter.

"Say that again?" I asked. The reporter looked stunned in place. His eyes were wide and his mouth ajar. He's surprised I even answered.

"What can you say about Taekwoon and Bomi?" He asked again.

I sniffled. "They have a relationship?" I asked. My voice cracking. Another reporter leaned forward.

"They are spotted with each other a lot. There is speculation of their dating. " I gulped down what was in my throat. "So are you or are you not, still dating Jung Taekwoon?"

I dropped my eyes as pain filled my heart. "I thought I was. " Luhan pulled me away.

That night, I watched videos of them. I been on stage with her once. I didn't know this would happen. Why would this happen to me? What did I do to deserve this?

There was snap shots of Leo with his arms around her. His eyes always on her on stage. It made my heart bleed. I placed my hands over my eyes.

"Don't cry over him. " Luhan muttered. "He's not worth it if that's what he's doing. " he said while rubbing my back. I coughed and sniffled.

"I need to make sure. " I murmured with tears cascading down my cheeks. I reached for the phone. Luhan sat by me, he was my comfort through this.

I called Haekyeon.

I held the phone to my ear and waited. He answered on the third ring. I don't care what time it is there. His groggy voice answered the phone.

"Haekyeon." I said his name sternly. I coughed and leant forward.

"Jessie?" He asked in return. I slid a hand to my face.

"Is it true?" I asked. My voice cracking. "Is he seeing her?" I asked, my voice getting higher with each word.

"Jessie..." The way he said my name confirmed everything. I gripped onto the phone. "Taekwoon is here... You should talk to him." Luhan rubbed my back. I wiped my tears away.

I waited for his voice. "Jessie?" He asked.

"So its true, isn't it?" I asked. "You're seeing her aren't you?" I asked.

"Jess-" I cut him off.

"Just give me the fucking answer!" I yelled as I stood up. "Are you cheating on me?" I asked my voice cracking as tears slipped over my hands.

"Yes." That one word shattered my world.

My eyes widened and I couldn't find words. I dropped down back to the couch. I have to be strong. Fire burned and dimmed inside me at the same time. I'm just hot coals.

"So when you saw me three months ago, you must have been thinking about her..."

"Yes. " his voice cracked. "I'm sorry."

"We're over." I said quietly. I let the phone drop from my fingers. I went to the picture of us hanging on the wall. Pulled it off and smashed it to the opposite wall. I cried and fell to the ground.

I didn't stand back up.

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