Chapter 5

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Luke's POV:

"What did you want to talk about?", she asked curiously.

"Well..." I scratched my neck as i usually did when i was nervous. Thinking about asking her for the dance was much easier than actually asking her.

"Uhm.. you know next weekend there is the prom dance and uhm.. i wanted to know if you wanted to go there? With me?"

"You know it's the seniors prom, don't you?" I laughed.

"Oh, yeah you don't know how this works here. Well, as long the students are sixteen the teachers don't care who attends the dance. Well, you can't get to be the promqueen because that's only for the seniors. So do you wanna go there with me?" She smiled softly.

"I would be pleased." I grinned and went into the cafeteria to my friends.

"So asked me to the prom dance?" Pia asked, stopping me from telling the story again.

"Yes i did. I wanted to go with you so badly, so i asked you. It was our first date and that's were i first kissed you. Well actually it was when i brought home but yeah..."

I stood nervously in front of her house in a freaking tux. My mom let me borrow her car so that i could drive us there. I just had to promise her to not drink anything. Well at least not to much. So now here i stood waiting for her to come out. Her mother opened the door before i shouted: "Pia, your date's here!" Then she smiled at me and said that she's sorry but she had to go back into the kitchen. It took a few minutes for Pia to get out of the house. I was afraid she almost forgot i stood here but then she stood in front of me in her beautyful lightblue dress that let her skin seem so smooth and flawless.

"Do you want to stand here forever?", she asked teasingly and ripped me out of my thoughts. I extended my hand to her and she interlaced her fingers with mine. The prom dance was just like you see it in those tv series. It was in the gym hall, which was fully decorated and they had a DJ. I looked out for my friends and their dates and found then in a second.

"You wanna meet my friends? They're really nice. Maybe you know their dates." My lips almost touched her ear as i spoke. I had to be that near because the music was so loud

"Sure!", she said smiling. With her hand in mine again i walked to Scott and Damien. They were dancing but when they saw us they came to us. Scott gave me a tight hug. Damien just grinned and then looked at his date again. I think her name was Elena. Then i said to Pia: "Pia, meet my crazy friends Scott and Damien." She shook Dmiens hand and wanted to do the same with Scott but he gave her short hug just as well.

"It's nice to meet you. Luke told us so much about you", he said smirking. Pia raised an eyebrow on this. But before she could say anything the music changed and a slow song was played. So i took my chance on changing the subject so i extended my hand to Pia again and asked politely: "May i have this dance?" Pia smiled just as politely, took my hand and answered: "You may." I dragged her away from my friend to an open spaced and placed my hands on her waist, she laid hers around my neck. And so we danced. And after that song was over we danced to the next one. And to the next and to the next. We danced until our feet hurt like b!tch. I brought us some drinks and after our feet recovered we danced again. We had much fun, we talked and laughed about nonimportant things but it felt so dam good. Being with her, seeing her smile, holding her in my arms. I didn't wanted to be the only time we were like this. So this is how our first kiss happened:

After hours and hours of dancing we finally decided to go home so i drove her home. I opened the passenger door for her and hold out my hand to her. Again she took it and i walked her to the door. But before she entered the house i held her back.

"Wait. I wanted to tell you something before you go." She looked at me with her brown eyes like she would look right into my soul and see all my longings. And that only gave me confidence.

"That, what Scott said before, was true. I told him much about you. Actually i often talk about you. And dam you're beautyful. When you came into that class the other day i thought you were the most beautyful girl i've ever seen. And i still think that. Because... well i think i like you." Pia smiled.

"I like you too."

"No i mean i like you, like i think i have romantic feelings for you." She laughed softly.

"I know, idiot. And i like you too." I looked at her blankly. Did she just really said that? Well my head didn't think much anymore because i bended my head to let my lips touch hers. The kiss was soft and my hand caressed her cheek. Once we broke apart she whispered: "Good night!" She turned around and walked into her house.

"Good night!" I whispered to the closed door.

"Well, if that happened in a book or a tv series i would say 'Oh my god, this is so cute', but i still can't believe this all happened to me." After a second she added: "To us." I looked at her, trying to find out what she thought. But i couldn't see what she felt anymore, or at least not for now. We sat there for a short time until she asked: what happend after that?"

"Well, we did the usual couple thinks. We went on dates, we kissed, made out actually." At that she had to laugh.

"Of course we did. I don't know why i thought we didn't. But did we... you know have sex?"

"No, it didn't came to that before you....died."

"Who did i even come back to life if i was dead for that long as you said?"

"I don't have any kind of idea. But i... i don't really want to talk about your... death. Not now anyway. That time when you were gone, was really hard for me. You have to understand that with you i probably lost the love of my life and now you are back and i have no idea how that could happen..." I probably should tell her how much i really loved her because for a few minutes she got completely quiet. I wanted to ask her if anything was wrong, but then she asked: "Can i try something?"

"Sure, anything", and i meant it. Whatever she wanted to do, i couldn't loose anything. Not anymore. I was surprised when she got closer to me and my mind went completly blank as i felt her soft lips against mine. And all that feelings i had before her death, hit me with full force again.

So guys this was chapter 5 of Dying Memories and i have to tell you someting. I gonna stop writing on this story for some time. Don't worry i will NOT DELETE it but i'm going to make a pause because when i started writing this story i only had this image of Pia lying in that coffin but no idea how to continue the storyline and now i don't know yet how to. But i will continue this one and in the next few days i will hopefully release another story because i have plenty of new ideas were don't only have an image for the beginning so yeah, let's see how this works out. Love you

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2015 ⏰

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