Coming Together

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Jackson POV

When I got the call about my Beauty and Amber I knew I had to get back to Atlanta ASAP! Three month's ago Keenzy and I came back to Oklahoma City for my training. I wasn't sure if I wanted to continue my basketball career now that I know my leg isn't going to 100% healed, I'm not sure I wanna take chances.

"Baby you ok?"

"No we have to fly back to Atlanta, Smiley and Bee was shot."

"Oh My God! Who did it? Do they know?"

"Yeah, Tae" she grasped holding her chest.

"Where is she now?"

"They don't know and she took Blake and Amelie and went M.I.A."

"Damn well let me go get the kid's ready so we can go. Did you already call up the jet?"

"Yeah they waiting for us, I'll pack our things you get my kid's ready."

I wasn't sure if it was safe to fly with a new born but we were going to, I know y'all wondering when April 17. Key had the baby two month's early due to high blood pressure but my son Jackson Jr. was born healthy.

Once we had all our things in the car I strapped the boy's in hopped in then headed to the clear port. I had a plan I just wasn't sure how it would work but it's worth the shot.

"So what's the plan when we get there?"

"You and the kid's going over to the condo, I'm going to meet up with my dad at the hostipal. Do you still have her number?" She nodded her head, yea.

I figured since Keenzy and Tae were close I could use Keenzy to get to her, she's gone be the only person that can help with this and Tae trust her so... Yeah.

"Does she normally call you?"

"Yeah, but she hasn't called in like a week."

"Call and see if her number still work's" she pulled out her phone dialing Tae's number, she picked up on the third ring.

"Hay baby, how you doing?"

"I'm fine, how are you?"

"Oh you know me just chilling. How's the new baby?". I encouraged Keenzy to keep talking so that she didn't suspect anything.

"He's good, cry a lot but fine. Why haven't I heard from you?" The line went quite for a minute and I thought she had hung up but she didn't.

"Sorry about that just been busy you know. Are you still in Oklahoma?"

"For now yea, why?"

"Oh, when are you going to invite me out to see the city?"

"I thought me and the boy's could fly out to see you soon since Jay is always busy with training, will that be fine?"

"Yeah sure that'll work, I miss you guy's!"

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