The Unexpected.

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  • Dedicated to sarah

Florence ran she never found out who did it but she ran. She could see the edge of the cliff from here if she didn't stop the sea beaneath would devour her. But it was too late now , she could'nt turn back she didn't know who would be awaiting her. The sound of the wind whistled by her ears, the blackness of the night slowly creeping over the horizon,filling the sky with an eerie atmosphere. She stopped just short of the edge , breathing deeply. She could go no further . Surely no one would follow her up her . But how wrong she was. The figure in black walked up behind her ,not daring to make a sound. 

"Florence?" asked a moking voice.

Floence spun , trembling with fear. The next thing she knew she was falling ,she wasn't sure of the details but all she knew was that she felt the rush of summer air and then .........nothing.

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