chapter 2

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someone was at the other side of the room but who ? checking would risk everything tho , i pulled my hood up and jumped out the window  "crap" i groaned touching my knee as a bruse formed  , i quickly leaped to my car  trying to hold the anger  that was building inside me becuase  of my bloody knee . i looked at the house one last time and i could see flames and smoke comming from florences room  but why wasnt anyone  screaming or anything are they stupid enough not to smell the smoke , I shrugged my shoulders becuase the truth was i really didnt care why would i . i began to drive home as all the things i needed to do for the day was complete and i was only getting started  , i want tears , sorrow , grief becuase if there isnt whats the fun in it ?

Florence's Pov

I got up from the ground slowly  looking around  but it was to hard to see as my vision was blurry and not as vivd as it used to be and my head felt like a thousand dogs were chewing on it as  a toy . I looked around one more time  and  i was in some kind of beach  that looked like a soul had never stepped foot into , i felt colder then i usually am  but i felt  free at the same time . i looked above me and the sun was setting  which was a sign telling me that i should go home before mom kills me .As i walked along the beach the sand didnt  irritate  my feet  like it used to and why the hell on earth was i not wearing shoes in the first place  and what am i doing in a beach anyway  because the  last thing  i remember was looking at the  view over the cliff and......CRAP i fell of a bloody cliff or was i pushed ?   does that mean im ........dead? but it cant be becuase if i was dead i wouldnt be here id be somewhere else .

 there was no sign of cars so i had no choice but to use my feet that i could barley feel

i reached home after about an hour of walking but i wasnt tired at all , i shurgged it of and walked into the house   i didnt hear anything and mom should be back home by now and so should dad  . i'll go into the bathroom to check myself becuase for all we know i could like i've been stranded in a desert for years  . i closed the door and looked at the mirror  but what i was expecting  wasnt there , My brown wavy hair ,green eyes , ivory skin , and red lips werent there nothing . it was like i was invisible  but how could i be im not a super hero with  powers im not even a hero . 

I ran upstairs into my parents room but  nobody was there , i ran back  down the stairs hoping id find them in the living room  " MOM!" "DAD"  i screamed  searching around the house  but there was no sign of them . i ran upstairs once more and looked around  everyroom but still no sign  but then i forgot my room how could i be so stupid . before i opened the door  i heard sobbing from the other side i opened it as i recognised the voice  "mom?" i asked as i stared  at the women who looked wrecked as dad had her in his arms  "she is gone my baby is gone " she ignored me  balling her  eyes out  " the police said they would find her dont worry " dad tried to resure her  and kissed her forehead  " mom who are you talking about  AND WHAT THE FUDGE HAPPENED TO MY ROOM" i said as i  stood infront  of my mom and dad  but they still didnt seem to hear or see me  " mom  answer me"  i waved my hands in her face  but she still didnt seem to see me " dad whats wrong tell me " i was getting pissed now my room was a mess  well it looked burnt  like someone set fire to it 

i woke up in a beach , i lost my shoes , i feel weird  , i cant look at my own reflection  , and my parents are ignoring me

as i was about to say something  the phone rang , dad picked it up as if  he was waiting for something "is she ok" he said over the phone  , his eyes grew wide and tears  began to take over  he droped the phone and didnt move  like he just saw a ghost  "whats wrong " mom shook him but he didnt say anything "PETER whats wrong " she said  and her voice grew louder  "she is dead , the police found her " he cried  this person who had tied must had been so close to them because i have never seen my parents cry before and i hated every single bit of it  this was too hard to watch , as i was about to walk out the door because i wanted to give them space my mom  said something that had shocked me " so you mean florence is dead" she cried even harder 

"mom im not dead im here " they both didnt hear me  "MOM ,DAD!!" i screamed  i was scared now  what the hell is going on here ! ,how can i be dead when im standing right here ?

florence soon realised  she was no longer a living  creature in this cruel world but the world she is in is still cruel   no more family , no shoulder to cry on  , while smile? becuase there is nothing to smile about , some people commit sucide to end there problems  but she cant  if you know what i mean 


i deleted my other story AGAIN i cant believe it but  if this story is actually good (which i dought)  i'll get over it (joke i cant :( ) so how do you think of this story ? hope you like  comment and vote and enjoy  chow chow


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