chapter 1

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I've been planning this for awhile ,anything goes wrong i swear im gonna murder someone , not that i havent before   .You wouldnt really  call me crazy for it , just an illness i had since i was born   im not complaining  about it tho .  i usually get what i want with  it  , But florence always gets what she wants without trying   ,  because everyone thinks she is a sweet heart , darling , innocent    , oh please  ,but im gonna  put a stop to her life then it wont matter  what  shes like  lovely or not  .

I got out of the car   going the same direction florence  went   .she stood at the edge of the cliff  admiring the view  as her hair  got tossed around by the wind . I knew it was my only chance and i wasnt going to waste anymore time . i crept up behind her making sure i didnt make a sound , I put my black hood up and leather gloves , i smirked to myself

"florence?"i asked in a mocking voice , she didnt move for a second but her breathing got heavier  ,  she gave me what i wanted; fear  .she  spun around  slowly and before she could see my face i ripped of her heart necklace that was around her neck  and  i lift my  right leg up and kicked  her ,which caused her to fall off the cliff ,  my bad . i watched as her firgile body hit the water  and the waves devoured her .  I let  out a small laugh  and walked back into my car . i turned the engine on and turned the speakers up high , i havent smiled this much in a while  put i wasnt finished my job yet  i needed  to go one more place and nobody is going to get in my way not today 

I pulled the car up infront of a house you could call a mansion by the looks of it ,  flowers were planted all around it and the birds sang on the branches of the tree , the grass was freshly cut and the house looked welcoming . What a beautiful place  but it dosent matter how beautiful it is because it wont remain like that no matter how much work you put into it  . 

There was no car parked their so obviously nobody was home , i walked in through the secret passage way at the back door  , florence had shown me when we were around 5  years old  ,Big mistake . i walked up the stairs into her bedroom that was covered in pink and purple all that gurly stuff ,UGH someone kill me now .  I walked around her room disgusted  by the apperance of it , i took out the lighter from my back pocket and went to her curtain  making a little fire at the botton of it and it soon spread around everywhere just like i planned .

as i was about to open the door  i heard footsteps on the otherside.

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