Chapter 12

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(Your POV)

Lauren and I sit down in an awkward silence. I let out a soft sigh, looking around the room. There's nothing new to this room, so there really isn't anything to look at and find interest in. Though, sometimes I find something interesting.

"It's obvious we both have feelings for each other." Lauren speaks up, breaking the silence. "It's just - I'm scared. I'm scared of what other people will think - not you guys, but the fans, the media and management."

I lick my lips, playing with my thumbs, nervously, I look at Lauren, "You're going to get hate, no matter what, Lauren. Everyone does. I get hate on Twitter for being Camila's sister, but I just ignore them. I know I'm making it sound easy, but I know it's not, you just gotta' push through it."

"How do you do it, Y/N?" Lauren groans, putting her head in her hands.

"How?" I sigh. "I just do. I have you girls, Camila, Sofi. I have a lot of people that are on my side, I just ignore the haters - even though it's hard. I think that they're just jealous, and that they're trying to make me feel bad."

"I get enough hate already for dating Brad and Luis." Lauren mummers.

"Did you note here what I just said?" I ask. "Lauren, don't think about them. Think about your family, think about the girls and I. Not them. Just the people who care, the people who know the real Lauren. Don't worry about making your fans happy, what makes you happy, Lauren? Do what you want, not what the fans want. What do you want, Lauren?"

Lauren looks up and gazes at the wall, like she's contemplating something. She then turns to look at me, a smile playing on her lips. Next thing I know, her lips are on mine. It's not a rushed kiss, it's a passionate one. Lauren brings her hands up, cupping my face.

I break the kiss, resting my forehead on hers.

"I want you, Y/N." Lauren whispers. "You make me happy."


Okay, no, Lauren and I are not official. But, we are taking things slow. We cuddle, share pecks on the lips and shit. And if I'm being completely honest here, this is my first relationship - and I'm already in love with her.

"So are you two a couple now?" Normani asks, popping a piece of popcorn into her mouth.

"We're not official." Lauren explains. "But we're getting there." She smiles, grabbing my hand. I smile back at her, looking at the ground.

"Lauren," Camila sternly says. "We'll be talking later." Lauren awkwardly nods, while I stifle a laugh.

I've never seen Camila look so serious in her life - it's funny. I sigh and rest my head on her shoulder. Camila's face softens as she sees the smile on my face. I smile at my older sister, which she returns.

Ally looks a little down, though. It's weird, because she's our ball of sunshine.

"Short stack," I catch her attention. "What's wrong?"

Ally sadly sighs, "Troy and I broke up."

"What? Why?" Dinah asks, surprised. Hell, even I'm surprised.

"The spark wasn't there anymore. I was ignoring it, but Troy confronted me about it and we decided to stay as friends."

I frown, "Don't worry, smalls, you'll find someone out there." Normani has a small smile on her face - which she's trying to hide. Normani looks at me, and I wink at her. She totally likes Ally.

"I know," Ally mumbles. "People fall out of love, it happens."


I'm standing on the side of the stage when something amazing happens. Well, not for me, but for Dinah and Camila.

"Hey everybody!" Camila shouts into the mic. "I have something to tell you guys!" Camila nods at Dinah.

"What would you guys do if one of your ships came true?"




"-One of them are right!" Camila shouts. "It's..."

"CAMINAH!" All five girls shout into the mic. The crowd goes wild as Camila passionately kisses Dinah.

I smile, a big ass smile. I'm happy for my sister. She deserves that kind of happiness. I don't think they're going to get hate, seeing as the crowd loves them. Hell, even I love the two together. Lauren makes eye contact with me. I smile widely at her, which she returns.

"Also guys!" Camila shouts once she breaks away from the kiss. "I need to introduce you all to someone!" My eyes go wide. "You all know I have a sister, name Sofia! But what you don't know, is that I have another sister!"

The crowd goes quiet, but some people are cheering.

"Please welcome," Camila shouts. "My dear sister, Y/N CABELLOOOO!"

Ah fuck it, why not? I run onto the stage and do a front flip, causing the crowd to go wild. I grin and jog over to my sister. She throws her arm around me.

"Ew," I say. "You're sweaty." The crowd laughs.

"I never knew Y/N could do front flips!" Normani exclaims. I slightly laugh.

I look over at Lauren, smiling at her.

"Y/N here, will be answering some questions while we go take a short break!"

The crew brings a stool out. I sigh and sit in it, Camila handing me her microphone.

"Hey everybody," I wave once the girls walk off the stage. "I didn't know about this, so uh, yeah." I chuckle into the crowd. "Anyways, you in the pink shirt." I point to her.

"Yeah, hi! Who is your favorite 5H member?"

I smile, "Hm. Camila or Lauren." The crowd cheers. "You, the boy in the black shirt."


I chuckle, "I don't do boys. I'm all for the girls, sorry. And no, I have my eyes on someone." I wink.

"TWO CABELLO'S ARE GAY? SLAY ME." A fan shouts. I chuckle.

"Alright, that's enough for now, my sister and her bandmates should be ready by now."


"Camila you asshole! You could've warned me you were going to bring me on stage." I slap her on the arm.

"Sorry! Spur of the moment thing." Camila defends.

I roll my eyes and hug her, "I'm proud of you." I whisper in her ear. Camila smiles against my shoulder, hugging me back.

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