Chapter 22

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(Your POV)

"His face is harder then it looks." I mumble, sitting on the counter while Lauren cleans my fist and nose. Dinah and Normani kicked Austin out, literally. Dinah is now comforting Camila, while Lauren helps me.

"Explains why he's hard headed." Lauren says, wiping the blood off of my face. "And all done."

"Thanks." I hop off the counter, taking some of the tissues and throwing them in the trash. "I'm gonna go check on Mila." Lauren nods. I walk into the living room to see Camila on the couch, cuddling with Dinah. "Hey Mila, you alright?"

I sit on the coffee table in front of her, leaning forward.

She raises an eyebrow, "The question is; are you alright? You literally killed the dude."

I shrug, "No one messes with my sister." I narrow my eyes at Dinah, who puts her hands up in defense.

"Remind me not to mess with the Cabello's, because Camila almost killed Lauren." Dinah says. I look at Camila.

"Cabello power." I joke.

"CABELLO POWER!" She shouts.


In all honesty, Austin is a douche bag. I don't even see why he came over here, to start drama? A fight? Cause I'm fucking sure he ain't getting back together with my sister. I wouldn't allow it, Dinah wouldn't allow, nobody would allow.

I shake my head, getting rid of the thoughts. Did I just use the word 'ain't' in my head? Okay then.

We're all currently at a restaurant.

"Hello! My name is Katie, let's start off with the drinks, yeah?" The waitress- Katie says. I'm sitting next to Lauren, looking out of the window.

I look at the waitress, "I'll have a Coke please." She stares at me before writing it down. I smile at her, then look back out of the window. As I look out of the window, I sigh. I see couple's showing affection in public. I want to do that with Lauren.

A couple walk pass, holding hands. I look at the hands as they pass the window. I look at Lauren to see her reading the menu. Camila and Dinah hold hands, on the table. I shake my head, grabbing the menu and looking at it.

"Are you guys ready to order?" Katie asks, getting her notepad and pen out. Once it gets to me, Katie says something else. "And for you, beautiful?" She winks. Lauren tenses next to me.

"I'll have a cheeseburger and fries, oh, and I have a girlfriend." I say, now looking away.

"So? She doesn't have to know, I bet I'm better then her anyway." Katie says, pushing it.

"Listen, lady." I snap at her. "Go fucking put our order in and stop flirting with me. My girlfriend is better then you'll ever be. I fucking love her, so go fuck yourself." And that's why I want to show affection in public, so people know that I'm taken.

Katie scoffs and walks away. I roll my eyes, looking out the window.

"You didn't have to blow up on her." Riley says. I choose not to respond, looking out of the window again.

"I think she did the right thing, if anyone said that about my girl, I'd blow up on them. Especially if she's right next to me too." Zac says.

"Yeah, but she would-"

"Guys, just drop it." I interrupt them, now looking at the two.

"Are you alright?" Ally asks me.

"I'm fine." I mutter, looking down. "I have to use the restroom." I get up and walk to the restroom, leaning against the wall and taking a deep breath.

"Y/N?" I look to see Lauren.

"Lauren." I sigh.

"What's wrong?"

I look under the stalls, making sure nobody is here. I turn to look at her.

"I want, I want to be able to hold your hand, kiss you, hug you in public. But I can't. And I just, I want too."

"Y/N," Lauren sighs. "I know, I want to do those things -"

"Then come out! My sister and Dinah are out, and they're perfectly fine!"

"I'm scared of what people think, Y/N."

I'm getting very agitated now, "So the media comes first? The fans? And not me? I'm not your first choice?" I ask. "Because you've always been my first choice."

"Y/N it's not like that!" Lauren exclaims.

"Then what is it like?"

"I-I nothing.." She mutters.

"What Lauren!? Spit it out!" I throw my hands up in the air. "Or are you 'scared' that I'll fucking judge you?"

"I don't know if I'm," She takes a deep breath. "I don't know if I'm r-really into girls."

I freeze, lowering my hands to my side. Tears, yeah, I'm fucking crying.

"I'm an experiment?" I mumble. "IS THAT WHAT I AM?"

"Y/N - no."

I shake my head and bolt out of the restroom. I run to the table and grab my phone, putting it in my pocket as my tears fall.

"Y/N?" Camila asks, standing up. "Is everything okay?"

"Y/N wait!" Lauren jogs to the table. She grabs my elbow.

"Don't touch me," I mumble. "DON'T FUCKING TOUCH ME." I jerk my elbow out of her grip. "You don't get a right to touch me, since I'm just an experiment to you. Do you even love me? Probably not. Fuck sakes, Lauren, I defended you! I said I love you! God damn! And you just use me? I'm not your lab rat, I'm a fucking human too! I HAVE FEELINGS, LAUREN."

"You used her?" I hear Camila mumble.

"We're done, Lauren. Fuck you." I spat, running out of the building.

(Lauren's POV)

"What the hell, Lauren?" Camila asks, standing up and marching over to me. "You can't just use my fucking sister."

"I'm not using her! I love her, I really do!" I exclaim.

"Then why the hell did she just break up with you and fucking leave?" Camila growls. Woah, I've never seen Camila so angry, it's kinda scary. "If she starts her old habits back up, I'm blaming you." She storms out, Dinah following after her, but not before glaring at me.

"That's fucked up, Lauren. I even know how that feels." Keith says, getting up and walking out.

"And I thought she was right defending you." Zac glares at me, following Keith.

"Even I think that's low, Lauren." Ally says, walking out.

"Mani? Riley?" I look at the two.

"Don't call me Mani, it's Normani to you." Normani mumbles, walking out. I look at Riley.

"I'm with you, Lauren. C'mon." Riley says.



fuckk Lauren.

everybody but Riley.

and damn Camila - CABELLO POWER!

~Gracie, xoxo. :)

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