G-Dragon Meeting You

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It was summer and you were very happy. Why, well, because you have won a trip to South Korea. Your eyes gleamed and you were jumping up and down. You were so happy that you just had to brag about it to everyone.

It was a week before, and you had noting to do.You were just lingering on your laptop, when you friend Eunseo sent a link. You click on the link and to you surprise, it was a lottery trip to South Korea. All you had to do was apply for it , so you apply. A week after, a mail came in with your name on it. When you opened it, your eyes went huge.

You: Ahhh!!!!! *jumping up & down

Mom: Why are you screaming so loud?

You: I WON!!!

Mom: Won? Won what?

You: A trip to South Korea!

Your mom took the letter and look at it. Her eyes went wide and screamed along with you. The letter said that you can along five people with you for a 2 week in Seoul. You ran and called you friends.

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Eunseo: Really! My god... I can't wait for it.

You: Yeah.

You said and you and your friends spent the night screaming. The next morning you arrived at the airport with your best girlfriend Eunseo, your childhood friend Minsoo, and your best guy friend, Hyunwoo along with your mother and mother since you had no one else to take.

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You and your friends and mother left around 5 in the morning and landed the next day at 10 in the morning of Seoul. You were so excited as you exited the planes. You and your friends chatted among one another as you were getting your luggage. When you came out you notice a lot of fans with signs waiting for some group or band perhaps. Then on the sign you saw Big Bang and fans started to scream. You could see Big Bang and wanted to scream too, but because of jet-lag you wanted to go to the hotel to rest. Some girls then pushed you onto the ground, some stepped on your hand and of course it hurts.

Girls 1: Get out of the way.

Girl 2: You're blocking the view

It first time here in Korea seeing this, and this was crazy.

Your mother shouted, and try to come, but was push away.

Then suddenly all the girls stopped screaming and their eyes follow a certain someone walking towards you. Your mother and friends were shocked and speechless.

Someone bent down towards you

Stranger: Cwaenchanha?

You:Yes... You notice you said it in English and suddenly reply in Korean. Ah Ye. Nan Cwaenchanha.

He was surprise at you speaking in Korean and fluently at that too. When you look up, you were shock and you just sat there speechless. He grabs your hand and lifts you up. When you came to your senses, you quickly bow and scurried away. It was none other than Big Bang's leader Jiyong or G-Dragon. As you ran away your face flushed a bright pink color.

You: How embarrassing. ~SIGH~

Jiyong was dumbfounded by you sudden action, but he was smiling as he watch you ran off.

Jiyong: pfft... What a weird girl...


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Part 2 coming soon!!!

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This doesn't fit part one so yeah....

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